[subversion-commit] SVN tetex-base commit + diffs: r1108 -
Frank Küster
frank at costa.debian.org
Fri Mar 24 17:24:51 UTC 2006
Author: frank
Date: 2006-03-24 17:24:50 +0000 (Fri, 24 Mar 2006)
New Revision: 1108
tpm2licenses-new.pl now also works for texlive (and still for tetex, yeah!)
Modified: tetex-base/trunk/debian/tpm2licenses-new.pl
--- tetex-base/trunk/debian/tpm2licenses-new.pl 2006-03-24 09:18:01 UTC (rev 1107)
+++ tetex-base/trunk/debian/tpm2licenses-new.pl 2006-03-24 17:24:50 UTC (rev 1108)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
die "Unknown Debian package: $debian_package." unless
( $debian_package =~ /^tetex-base$/ ||
$debian_package =~ /^tetex-src$/ ||
- $debian_package =~ /^texlive$/ );
+ $debian_package =~ /^texlive-base$/ );
my $TpmGlobalPath = $Master;
@@ -146,6 +146,9 @@
+my @TpmList;
@@ -157,9 +160,46 @@
my $node;
my $printfiles = '';
+sub create_tpmlist {
+ if ( $debian_package =~ /^tetex-/ ) {
+ foreach (<$TpmDirGlob >) {push(@TpmList,$_)};
+ };
+ if ( $debian_package =~ /^texlive-/ ) {
+ my $cfgfile = "../../" . $debian_package . ".tpm4licenses.cfg";
+ my @cfgLines;
+ open CFGFILE, $cfgfile;
+ while (<CFGFILE>) {
+ # this could go into one line (next if...) if only Emacs would grok it...
+ if (m/^#/) {
+ next ;
+ }
+ chomp;
+ push(@cfgLines,$_);
+ };
+ for (@cfgLines) {
+ my $tpmFullname;
+ if ( -f "texmf/tpm/" . $_ ) {
+ $tpmFullname = "texmf/tpm/" . $_
+ }
+ elsif ( -f "texmf-dist/tpm/" . $_ ) {
+ $tpmFullname = "texmf-dist/tpm/" . $_
+ }
+ elsif ( -f "texmf-doc/tpm/" . $_ ) {
+ $tpmFullname = "texmf-doc/tpm/" . $_
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR "Could not find $_\n";
+ exit 1;
+ };
+ push(@TpmList,$tpmFullname);
+ };
+ }; #end texlive
sub list_licenses {
- foreach $LocalTPM (<$TpmDirGlob >) {
+ foreach $LocalTPM (@TpmList) {
$licline = "";
$bn = &basename($LocalTPM,".tpm");
if (defined($Tpm2Catalogue{$bn})) {
@@ -246,38 +286,56 @@
my @DocFiles = split(/\n/m,$DocFiles{"text"});
for ($debian_package) {
- if ( /^texlive$/ ) { 1 };
+ my @texmfPath;
+ if ( /^texlive/ ) {
+ @texmfPath = ("texmf","texmf-dist","texmf-doc");
+ foreach ($RunFiles{"text"}, $DocFiles{"text"}, $SourceFiles{"text"}) {
+ my @filelist = split(/\n/m,$_);
+ next if (! @filelist);
+ foreach (@filelist) {CheckFileExistence($_,\@texmfPath)};
+ };
+ MergeDirectories(\@RunFiles,\@texmfPath);
+ MergeDirectories(\@DocFiles,\@texmfPath) if (@DocFiles);
+ MergeDirectories(\@SourceFiles,\@texmfPath) if (@SourceFiles);
+ print $pkg_header . "\n @RunFiles @DocFiles @SourceFiles";
+ };
if ( /^tetex-base$/ ) {
+ @texmfPath = (".");
foreach ($RunFiles{"text"}, $DocFiles{"text"}) {
my @filelist = split(/\n/m,$_);
next if (! @filelist);
- foreach (@filelist) {CheckFileExistence($_)};
+ foreach (@filelist) {CheckFileExistence($_,\@texmfPath)};
- MergeDirectories(\@RunFiles);
- MergeDirectories(\@DocFiles) if (@DocFiles);
+ MergeDirectories(\@RunFiles,\@texmfPath);
+ MergeDirectories(\@DocFiles,\@texmfPath) if (@DocFiles);
print $pkg_header . "\n @RunFiles @DocFiles";
if ( /^tetex-src$/ ) {
- foreach (\$SourceFiles{"text"}) {
- my @filelist = split(/\n/m,${$_});
- foreach (@filelist) {CheckFileExistence($_)};
+ @texmfPath = (".");
+ foreach ($SourceFiles{"text"}) {
+ my @filelist = split(/\n/m,$_);
+ foreach (@filelist) {CheckFileExistence($_,\@texmfPath)};
- MergeDirectories(\@SourceFiles);
+ MergeDirectories(\@SourceFiles,\@texmfPath);
print $pkg_header . "\n @SourceFiles \n" unless (! @SourceFiles);
sub CheckFileExistence {
- my $file = $_[0];
- $file =~ s@^source@${sourceDir}source@;
- print STDERR "$file: Does not exist!\n" if ! -f $file;
+ my ($file, at texmfPath) = ($_[0],@{$_[1]});
+ my $found = 0;
+ foreach my $texmfDir (@texmfPath) {
+ -f $texmfDir . "/" . $file && ($found =1);
+ };
+ print STDERR "$file: Does not exist!\n" if ! $found;
sub MergeDirectories {
- my $filelist = $_[0]; # $filelist is actually a pointer
+ my ($filelist, at texmfPath) = ($_[0],@{$_[1]}); # $filelist is actually a pointer
# create a list of dirnames, and remove duplicates
my @dirnames = map {dirname($_) } @{$filelist};
@@ -288,31 +346,40 @@
my %SearchHash;
%SearchHash = map { $_, 1 } @{$filelist} ;
my %DirComplete = map { $_, 1 } @dirnames;
for (@dirnames) {
my $dirname = $_;
- my @InstalledFiles = `find $dirname -maxdepth 1 -type f | grep -v tetex`
- or die "calling find to find installed files failed.";
+ my $fullDir;
+ my $rootDir;
+ for (@texmfPath) {
+ if ( -d ( $_ . "/" . $dirname )) {
+ $rootDir = $_;
+ $fullDir = ( $_ . "/" . $dirname );
+ };
+ };
+ $fullDir or die "This should not happen: no directory $dirname, nowhere.";
+ my @InstalledFiles = `find $fullDir -maxdepth 1 -type f 2>/dev/null | grep -v tetex`
+ or die "Calling find for $dirname, expanded to $fullDir, failed.";
for (@InstalledFiles) {
- chomp;
- $DirComplete{$dirname} = 0 unless $SearchHash{$_};
+ chomp;
+ s@^$rootDir/@@;
+ $DirComplete{$dirname} = 0 unless $SearchHash{$_};
if ( $DirComplete{$dirname} ) {
- for (@{$filelist} ) {
- # replace the file by its directory name
- s@$dirname/.*@$dirname/*@;
- };
+ for (@{$filelist} ) {
+ # replace the file by its directory name
+ s@$dirname/.*@$dirname/*@;
+ };
# print STDERR "Directory $_ is $DirComplete{$dirname}\n";
- };
+ };
# now the complete directories occur multiple times, remove duplicates again
%UniqueHash = map { ("$_\n" , 1) } @{$filelist} ;
@{$filelist} = keys %UniqueHash;
+ }
# foreach $LocalTPM (<./texmf-doc/tpm/*.tpm>) {
# my $dat = $parser->parsefile($LocalTPM);
# if (defined($dat->getElementsByTagName("TPM:License")) &&
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