[Pkg-tpctl-devel] Re: status of the thinkpad-source package

Eduard Bloch edi at gmx.de
Sun Jul 30 22:35:18 UTC 2006

#include <hallo.h>
* Eduard Bloch [Mon, Jul 31 2006, 12:23:49AM]:

> I do not see what this hocus pocus should be good for. Sorry, guys, I do
> not like what you do (or someone did before you). I suggest you make the
> stuff work FIRST and then reconsider what cosmetic changes are good for
> _before_ doing them. Eg.  what is a changelog good for if it does not
> document changes? (unlike the source' package changelog).

Uhm, the last bit was an oversight, sorry. I see you merge them, but
then it still looks weird: you accumulate the changed parts from every
build in the changelog there.

And automaticaly generated changelogs are bad style anyway.


<Salz> jjFux: Ted hieß ja früher auch Walther
<Salz> winkiller: hm... es sind 8... die 7 kandidaten und NOTA
<Madkiss> Ist der jetzt eigentlich eine gespaltene Persönlichkeit, bei der aber
  beide Teile bekloppt sind?

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