[Pkg-vexim-devel] admin creation in vexim-mysql_2.2.1-3

Daniel Knabl daniel at knabl.com
Mon Mar 26 22:01:45 CET 2007

Am Mon, 26 Mar 2007 21:53:50 +0200 schrieb Rejo Zenger
<vexim-pkg-devel at subs.krikkit.nl>:

> Without knowing much about vexim, I have tried this the package as it
> is now available on alioth: the vexim-mysql_2.2.1-3 deb. I performed
> the installation on a Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper server, running mysql 5.0.22
> and apache 2.0.55. 


> The installation was fine, although it wasn't configured immediatelly
> as other packages (php-pear php5-mysql php-db ucf dbconfig-common,
> etc) were not yet installed. After fixing this, the configuration of
> the vexim package was finished as well.

should work quite well under debian ;)

> As an end-user of the package (the admin of a debian box), I was
> missing one thing: the creation the admin user. I am not sure what
> the best way to go would be. When doing a manual install, the install
> howto tells you:
>  | In order to add and delete domains from the database, you need to
> have | a "site admin". This users can create the initial postmaster
> users for | the individual domains. [...] I recommend you log in and
> change this | when you get a chance :-)
> This user is not created by the package, nor there is any
> documentation that one should do it by hand (and how to do that). In
> the vexim files of Avleen, this is done from within
> vexim2/setup/mysql.sql. In the equivalent in the package
> (/usr/share/doc/vexim/setup/mysql.sql.gz), the lines at the bottom
> that create this user, are commented. As far as I can tell, only the
> last part (the DES password part) should be. Is there any reason for
> this? Or did I do something terribly wrong?

not at all did you do something wrong. we have to rework the deconf
template to show up a text:

after the installation point your browser to

you will have to enter a password for siteadmin twice then, and its
done for you.

> -- 
> Rejo Zenger <rejo at zenger.nl> https://rejo.zenger.nl


Daniel Knabl
aio4u.com/~daniel                 daniel at aio4u.com
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