[Pkg-vexim-devel] admin creation in vexim-mysql_2.2.1-3

Rejo Zenger vexim-pkg-devel at subs.krikkit.nl
Mon Mar 26 23:31:44 CET 2007

++ 26/03/07 23:01 +0200 - Daniel Knabl:
>> This user is not created by the package, nor there is any
>> documentation that one should do it by hand (and how to do that). In
>not at all did you do something wrong. we have to rework the deconf
>template to show up a text:
>after the installation point your browser to
>you will have to enter a password for siteadmin twice then, and its
>done for you.

Aah! Good. That should not be to hard. 

When I tried this, I had the install under "http://[...]/vexim". So, the
setup file is located at "http://[...]/vexim/setup.php". When provided
the password, one will see "http://[...]/vexim/setupfinish.php", which
will redirect to "http://[...]/index.php". This will return a 404, as
this shoudl have been  "http://[...]/vexim/index.php".

I checked the code, and I noticed you were using a javascript function
to redirect to new page. I am quite sure both the url as well as the
javascript can be fixed. Right now I need a sleep, but I will provide 
a fix for both tomorrow or the day after. 

Rejo Zenger <rejo at zenger.nl> https://rejo.zenger.nl
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