RFS: vim-latexsuite

Franz Pletz fpletz at franz-pletz.org
Tue Apr 18 21:07:41 UTC 2006

On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 04:41:15PM -0400, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> No need, I really did not that much. I will be the sponsor, that's it.
> Our of curiosity? Are you enrolled in the NM queue?

No, vim-latexsuite is the first package I'll be maintaining for Debian.
I've already ITA'd tcsh and am currently working out the details with the
former maintainer. My goal is to get more involved in the Debian project,
so I hope NM will follow at some point. But I guess that will be long,
long way.. or not considering the current discussions about reforming the
NM process. We'll see, but at this time I've got no plans whatsoever.

> Very funny, the message from the PTS was rejected and in need of
> moderator (nobse) approval, bu the automatic reply of the list software
> was enough for the PTS to subscribe it :-))))
> We obtained the result, no matter how ;)

Wow! I hope nobody noticed this or some more subscriptions will follow. ;-)

> Upload in a few minutes.

Thank you very much.


Franz Pletz                   \  The Internet treats censorship as
www: http://franz-pletz.org/   \  damage and routes around it.
email: fpletz at franz-pletz.org   \  -- John Gilmore

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