Bug#387794: vim-gui-common: bad /usr/share/doc symlink (missing dep?)

Lars Wirzenius liw at iki.fi
Sat Sep 16 18:22:48 UTC 2006

Package: vim-gui-common
Version: 1:7.0-094+1
Severity: important

When testing vim-gui-common with piuparts, we found the following

0m5.5s ERROR: Broken symlinks:
  /usr/share/doc/vim-gui-common -> vim-common

It seems to me that vim-gui-common does not depend on vim-common and if
vim-common is not installed, then the symlink is broken. I'd make this
bug "Severity: minor", but the /usr/share/doc stuff is fairly important,
since the copyright file can be missing. From Policy, 12.5:

        /usr/share/doc/package may be a symbolic link to another
        directory in /usr/share/doc only if the two packages both come
        from the same source and the first package Depends on the
        second. These rules are important because copyrights must be
        extractable by mechanical means.

Thus, severity important.

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