July 2012 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun Jul 1 09:19:27 UTC 2012
Ending: Tue Jul 31 02:35:14 UTC 2012
Messages: 54
- 2012-7-16-【-QQ:5325★11132-】-chtnulry6-【-低★税-】-jef2y6bt-【-代★办-】-ib-【-票★据-】-uj0inzhqy-【-136★9986★9870-】-★陈12:42:57
- [SCM] vim-addon-manager packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.5.0-1-gb311675
James McCoy
- avis de suspension de votre compte !
service at credit-carte.fr
- BANNED message from you (application/octet-stream,.exe,.exe-ms,document.exe)
Content Scanner
- Bug#679741: syntax/catalog.vim: misinterprets "--" within other tokens as comment
Jakub Wilk
- Bug#680624: vim-addon-manager - Create stuff in /var/lib/vim unreadable for users
Bastian Blank
- Bug#680624: vim-addon-manager - Create stuff in /var/lib/vim unreadable for users
James McCoy
- Bug#680624: vim-addon-manager - Create stuff in /var/lib/vim unreadable for users
Antonio Terceiro
- Bug#680772: vim: default completion menu highlight colors unreadable (PmenuSel)
Mirosław Zalewski
- Bug#680772: vim: default completion menu highlight colors unreadable (PmenuSel)
James McCoy
- Bug#680772: vim: default completion menu highlight colors unreadable (PmenuSel)
Mirosław Zalewski
- Bug#681012: marked as done (vim-tiny should install vim alternative)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#681012: vim-tiny should install vim alternative
Tim Gokcen
- Bug#681599: marked as done (vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#681599: Other libraries, too
Philipp Marek
- Bug#681599: Other libraries, too
Philipp Marek
- Bug#681599: vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib
Jakub Wilk
- Bug#681599: vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib
Matthias Klose
- Bug#681599: vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib
Jakub Wilk
- Bug#681599: vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib
Jakub Wilk
- Bug#681599: vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib
James McCoy
- Bug#681599: vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib
Cyril Brulebois
- Bug#681599: vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib
Julien Cristau
- Bug#681599: vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib
Jakub Wilk
- Bug#681599: vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib
Julien Cristau
- Bug#681599: vim/python2.7: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_hashlib
James McCoy
- Bug#681606: vim-runtime: perl syntax is out of date (missing s///[dualr])
brian m. carlson
- Bug#681861: gnupg.vim: Does not ask anymore for recipients and error after :GPGEditRecipients
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- Bug#681861: gnupg.vim: Does not ask anymore for recipients and error after :GPGEditRecipients
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- Bug#681861: marked as done (gnupg.vim: Does not ask anymore for recipients and error after :GPGEditRecipients)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#681870: vim-addon-manager: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/vim/addon_manager.rb:125:in `map_override_lines': undefined method `override_file' for #<Vim::AddonManager::Logger:0x0000000103dda0 @verbosity=1> (NoMethodError)
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- Coбepeм для Bac пo ceти интеpнeт бaзy дaнныx пoтeнциальныx kлиeнтов для Baшeгo Бизнeca Bсе koнтakты Пogpoбнeе Email:prodawez at mixmail.com Teл:+79IЗ79З6ЗЧ2 Skype:s....8 ICQ:6288862 чтoбы отпиcaтьcя oт рaccылки пpишлите delete
pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org
- Coбepем для Bac по сети интeрнет базy gанныx потенциaльных kлиeнтoв gля Вашeго Бизнеса Вcе контaкты Пoдрoбнее Email:prodawez at mixmail.com Teл:+79IЗЗ9IЗ8З7 Skype:s....8 ICQ:6288862 Чтобы отписaться от pаccылkи пришлитe delete
pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org
- Fidélisation de vos clients
Yolande Large
- L'été sera chaud
Christophe Dubreuil
- La clé de votre succès !
Rodolphe Perru
- Makeup mirror suppliers shared photos with you
Makeup mirror suppliers
- pkg-vim-maintainers
- Processed: bug 680772 is forwarded to http://mid.gmane.org/20120711032213.GF27054 at cerberus.jamessan.com ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Bug#681870 marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: cloning 681599, reassign 681599 to src:vim, reassign -1 to src:python2.7 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#680772: vim: default completion menu highlight colors unreadable (PmenuSel)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#681012: vim-tiny should install vim alternative
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging 680772
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processing of vim_7.3.547-4_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Surplus Assets
Shawna Sumerlin
- VcgnCHAR推a荐W书%RAN
- vim 2:7.3.547-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- vim_7.3.547-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- VoIP Products For Your Evaluation
- (北京)关于举办2012年企业自主创新专项资金申报与产业发展专题研讨班的通知
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 02:35:14 UTC 2012
Archived on: Tue Jul 31 02:35:21 UTC 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).