[Pkg-voip-commits] [linphone] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/3.6.1' into jessie

Bernhard Schmidt berni at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 16 07:15:57 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

berni pushed a commit to branch jessie
in repository linphone.

commit 510c3a99577f411548c95f283fd65adf3dd35ea2
Merge: 966f80f 88a2ab5
Author: Bernhard Schmidt <berni at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Nov 16 07:58:29 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/3.6.1' into jessie
    Upstream version 3.6.1

 ABOUT-NLS                                          |  1101 +
 AUTHORS                                            |    13 +
 BUGS                                               |     1 +
 COPYING                                            |   340 +
 ChangeLog                                          |   513 +
 INSTALL                                            |   370 +
 Makefile.am                                        |   235 +
 Makefile.in                                        |  1071 +
 NEWS                                               |   251 +
 README                                             |    90 +
 README.arm                                         |   106 +
 README.macos                                       |   118 +
 README.mingw                                       |   200 +
 TODO                                               |    14 +
 aclocal.m4                                         |  1232 +
 autogen.sh                                         |    53 +
 build/Makefile.am                                  |     2 +
 build/Makefile.in                                  |   670 +
 build/macos/Info-linphone.plist.in                 |    31 +
 build/macos/Makefile.am                            |     3 +
 build/macos/Makefile.in                            |   471 +
 build/macos/environment.sh                         |     5 +
 build/macos/linphone.bundle                        |   171 +
 compile                                            |   310 +
 config.guess                                       |  1530 ++
 config.h.in                                        |   237 +
 config.rpath                                       |   614 +
 config.sub                                         |  1773 ++
 configure                                          | 25378 ++++++++++++++++++
 configure.ac                                       |   809 +
 console/Makefile.am                                |    49 +
 console/Makefile.in                                |   784 +
 console/TODO                                       |    20 +
 console/commands.c                                 |  2731 ++
 console/linphonec.c                                |  1587 ++
 console/linphonec.h                                |   162 +
 console/shell.c                                    |   357 +
 coreapi/Makefile.am                                |   137 +
 coreapi/Makefile.in                                |  1043 +
 coreapi/TunnelManager.cc                           |   476 +
 coreapi/TunnelManager.hh                           |   193 +
 coreapi/address.c                                  |   170 +
 coreapi/authentication.c                           |   365 +
 coreapi/callbacks.c                                |   983 +
 coreapi/chat.c                                     |   449 +
 coreapi/conference.c                               |   442 +
 coreapi/ec-calibrator.c                            |   276 +
 coreapi/enum.c                                     |   175 +
 coreapi/enum.h                                     |    35 +
 coreapi/friend.c                                   |   584 +
 coreapi/help/Doxyfile.in                           |   233 +
 coreapi/help/Makefile.am                           |    80 +
 coreapi/help/Makefile.in                           |   771 +
 coreapi/help/buddy_status.c                        |   190 +
 coreapi/help/chatroom.c                            |   100 +
 coreapi/help/doxygen.dox                           |   411 +
 coreapi/help/helloworld.c                          |   130 +
 coreapi/help/registration.c                        |   142 +
 coreapi/liblinphone_gitversion.h                   |     1 +
 coreapi/linphone_tunnel.cc                         |   331 +
 coreapi/linphone_tunnel.h                          |   225 +
 coreapi/linphone_tunnel_config.c                   |    83 +
 coreapi/linphone_tunnel_stubs.c                    |    87 +
 coreapi/linphonecall.c                             |  2438 ++
 coreapi/linphonecore.c                             |  5888 +++++
 coreapi/linphonecore.h                             |  1540 ++
 coreapi/linphonecore_jni.cc                        |  2538 ++
 coreapi/linphonecore_utils.h                       |   112 +
 coreapi/linphonefriend.h                           |   274 +
 coreapi/lpconfig.c                                 |   456 +
 coreapi/lpconfig.h                                 |   211 +
 coreapi/lsd.c                                      |   307 +
 coreapi/message_storage.c                          |   254 +
 coreapi/misc.c                                     |  1174 +
 coreapi/offeranswer.c                              |   339 +
 coreapi/offeranswer.h                              |    47 +
 coreapi/presence.c                                 |   170 +
 coreapi/private.h                                  |   737 +
 coreapi/proxy.c                                    |  1291 +
 coreapi/sal.c                                      |   433 +
 coreapi/sal.h                                      |   479 +
 coreapi/sal_eXosip2.c                              |  2688 ++
 coreapi/sal_eXosip2.h                              |   104 +
 coreapi/sal_eXosip2_presence.c                     |   809 +
 coreapi/sal_eXosip2_sdp.c                          |   618 +
 coreapi/siplogin.c                                 |   124 +
 coreapi/sipsetup.c                                 |   235 +
 coreapi/sipsetup.h                                 |   165 +
 coreapi/sipwizard.c                                |   268 +
 coreapi/test_ecc.c                                 |    57 +
 coreapi/test_lsd.c                                 |   104 +
 coreapi/test_numbers.c                             |    48 +
 coreapi/upnp.c                                     |  1347 +
 coreapi/upnp.h                                     |    48 +
 depcomp                                            |   688 +
 gen-gtkfilelist.sh                                 |    23 +
 gtk+-2.22.1.filelist                               |   152 +
 gtk/Makefile.am                                    |    93 +
 gtk/Makefile.in                                    |   786 +
 gtk/about.ui                                       |    61 +
 gtk/buddylookup.c                                  |   305 +
 gtk/buddylookup.ui                                 |   159 +
 gtk/call_logs.ui                                   |   119 +
 gtk/call_statistics.ui                             |   252 +
 gtk/calllogs.c                                     |   401 +
 gtk/chat.c                                         |   508 +
 gtk/conference.c                                   |   177 +
 gtk/contact.ui                                     |   216 +
 gtk/dscp_settings.ui                               |   178 +
 gtk/friendlist.c                                   |  1080 +
 gtk/incall_view.c                                  |   921 +
 gtk/keypad.ui                                      |   277 +
 gtk/linphone.h                                     |   152 +
 gtk/linphone.ico                                   |   Bin 0 -> 97566 bytes
 gtk/linphone.iss                                   |    90 +
 gtk/linphone.rc                                    |     5 +
 gtk/log.ui                                         |   113 +
 gtk/logging.c                                      |   361 +
 gtk/loginframe.c                                   |   179 +
 gtk/main.c                                         |  2003 ++
 gtk/main.ui                                        |  1911 ++
 gtk/parameters.ui                                  |  2436 ++
 gtk/password.ui                                    |   140 +
 gtk/propertybox.c                                  |  1334 +
 gtk/setupwizard.c                                  |   611 +
 gtk/singleinstance.c                               |   107 +
 gtk/sip_account.ui                                 |   274 +
 gtk/stock_people.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 764 bytes
 gtk/support.c                                      |   245 +
 gtk/tunnel_config.ui                               |   384 +
 gtk/update.c                                       |   157 +
 gtk/utils.c                                        |   166 +
 gtk/waiting.ui                                     |    56 +
 install-sh                                         |   527 +
 linphone-deps.filelist                             |    18 +
 linphone.iss.in                                    |    49 +
 linphone.spec                                      |   148 +
 linphone.spec.in                                   |   148 +
 ltmain.sh                                          |  9661 +++++++
 m4/Makefile.am                                     |    41 +
 m4/Makefile.in                                     |   509 +
 m4/codeset.m4                                      |    21 +
 m4/exosip.m4                                       |    77 +
 m4/gettext.m4                                      |   419 +
 m4/glibc2.m4                                       |    30 +
 m4/glibc21.m4                                      |    30 +
 m4/iconv.m4                                        |   101 +
 m4/ilbc.m4                                         |    33 +
 m4/intdiv0.m4                                      |    70 +
 m4/intl.m4                                         |   259 +
 m4/intldir.m4                                      |    19 +
 m4/intltool.m4                                     |   237 +
 m4/intmax.m4                                       |    33 +
 m4/inttypes-pri.m4                                 |    36 +
 m4/inttypes.m4                                     |    25 +
 m4/inttypes_h.m4                                   |    26 +
 m4/isc-posix.m4                                    |    24 +
 m4/lcmessage.m4                                    |    30 +
 m4/lib-ld.m4                                       |   110 +
 m4/lib-link.m4                                     |   644 +
 m4/lib-prefix.m4                                   |   185 +
 m4/libtool.m4                                      |  8001 ++++++
 m4/lock.m4                                         |   311 +
 m4/longdouble.m4                                   |    31 +
 m4/longlong.m4                                     |    48 +
 m4/ltoptions.m4                                    |   384 +
 m4/ltsugar.m4                                      |   123 +
 m4/ltversion.m4                                    |    23 +
 m4/lt~obsolete.m4                                  |    98 +
 m4/nls.m4                                          |    31 +
 m4/obsolete.m4                                     |     1 +
 m4/ortp.m4                                         |    16 +
 m4/osip.m4                                         |    52 +
 m4/po.m4                                           |   428 +
 m4/printf-posix.m4                                 |    44 +
 m4/progtest.m4                                     |    92 +
 m4/readline.m4                                     |    51 +
 m4/signed.m4                                       |    17 +
 m4/size_max.m4                                     |    62 +
 m4/stdint_h.m4                                     |    26 +
 m4/uintmax_t.m4                                    |    30 +
 m4/ulonglong.m4                                    |    48 +
 m4/video.m4                                        |    89 +
 m4/visibility.m4                                   |    52 +
 m4/wchar_t.m4                                      |    20 +
 m4/wint_t.m4                                       |    20 +
 m4/xsize.m4                                        |    13 +
 mediastreamer2/ABOUT-NLS                           |     0
 mediastreamer2/AUTHORS                             |     1 +
 mediastreamer2/COPYING                             |   340 +
 mediastreamer2/ChangeLog                           |     7 +
 mediastreamer2/INSTALL                             |   370 +
 mediastreamer2/Makefile.am                         |   133 +
 mediastreamer2/Makefile.in                         |  1018 +
 mediastreamer2/NEWS                                |   138 +
 mediastreamer2/README                              |    58 +
 mediastreamer2/README-ANDROID                      |    24 +
 mediastreamer2/acinclude.m4                        |   279 +
 mediastreamer2/aclocal.m4                          |  2640 ++
 mediastreamer2/autogen.sh                          |    50 +
 mediastreamer2/build/Makefile.am                   |     1 +
 mediastreamer2/build/Makefile.in                   |   679 +
 mediastreamer2/build/android/Android.mk            |   262 +
 mediastreamer2/build/android/basedescs.h           |    16 +
 .../android/libmediastreamer2_AndroidConfig.h      |   176 +
 mediastreamer2/build/android/voipdescs.h           |    93 +
 mediastreamer2/build/git-pre-commit-hook           |     5 +
 mediastreamer2/build/iphone/basedescs.h            |    19 +
 mediastreamer2/build/iphone/voipdescs.h            |   103 +
 mediastreamer2/build/win32-novideo/Makefile.am     |     1 +
 mediastreamer2/build/win32-novideo/Makefile.in     |   477 +
 mediastreamer2/build/win32-novideo/basedescs.h     |     9 +
 .../build/win32-novideo/mediastream.vcproj         |   143 +
 .../build/win32-novideo/mediastreamer2.def         |    82 +
 .../build/win32-novideo/mediastreamer2.vcproj      |   416 +
 mediastreamer2/build/win32-novideo/voipdescs.h     |    63 +
 mediastreamer2/build/win32native/Makefile.am       |     3 +
 mediastreamer2/build/win32native/Makefile.in       |   680 +
 mediastreamer2/build/win32native/basedescs.h       |    16 +
 .../build/win32native/mediastream/Makefile.am      |     3 +
 .../build/win32native/mediastream/Makefile.in      |   477 +
 .../win32native/mediastream/mediastream.vcproj     |   202 +
 .../build/win32native/mediastreamer2.sln           |    50 +
 .../build/win32native/mediastreamer2.vcproj        |   629 +
 .../build/win32native/videodisplay.vcproj          |   203 +
 mediastreamer2/build/win32native/voipdescs.h       |   104 +
 mediastreamer2/build/wince/Makefile.am             |     1 +
 mediastreamer2/build/wince/Makefile.in             |   477 +
 mediastreamer2/build/wince/basedescs.h             |    11 +
 mediastreamer2/build/wince/mediastreamer2.def      |   129 +
 mediastreamer2/build/wince/mediastreamer2.vcproj   |  1568 ++
 mediastreamer2/build/wince/voipdescs.h             |    59 +
 mediastreamer2/build/winmob/Makefile.am            |     1 +
 mediastreamer2/build/winmob/Makefile.in            |   477 +
 mediastreamer2/build/winmob/basedescs.h            |    11 +
 mediastreamer2/build/winmob/echo/echo.vcproj       |   227 +
 mediastreamer2/build/winmob/mediastreamer2.def     |   129 +
 mediastreamer2/build/winmob/mediastreamer2.sln     |    60 +
 mediastreamer2/build/winmob/mediastreamer2.vcproj  |   933 +
 mediastreamer2/build/winmob/voipdescs.h            |    59 +
 mediastreamer2/config.guess                        |  1530 ++
 mediastreamer2/config.rpath                        |   614 +
 mediastreamer2/config.sub                          |  1773 ++
 mediastreamer2/configure                           | 26495 +++++++++++++++++++
 mediastreamer2/configure.ac                        |   984 +
 mediastreamer2/depcomp                             |   688 +
 mediastreamer2/help/Doxyfile.in                    |   234 +
 mediastreamer2/help/Makefile.am                    |    33 +
 mediastreamer2/help/Makefile.in                    |   561 +
 mediastreamer2/help/doxygen.dox                    |   169 +
 mediastreamer2/help/filters.dox                    |   149 +
 mediastreamer2/help/ht0-buildagraph.dox            |   153 +
 mediastreamer2/include/Makefile.am                 |     1 +
 mediastreamer2/include/Makefile.in                 |   679 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/Makefile.am  |    41 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/Makefile.in  |   617 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/allfilters.h |   146 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/bitratecontrol.h        |   180 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/dsptools.h   |   388 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/dtmfgen.h    |    74 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/ice.h        |   818 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/mediastream.h           |   510 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/msaudiomixer.h          |    36 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/mschanadapter.h         |    27 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/mscodecutils.h          |   107 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/mscommon.h   |   305 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/msconference.h          |   215 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/msequalizer.h           |    44 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/mseventqueue.h          |    63 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/msextdisplay.h          |    33 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/msfileplayer.h          |    43 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msfilerec.h  |    33 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msfilter.h   |   678 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/msinterfaces.h          |   219 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msitc.h      |    28 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msjava.h     |    43 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/msjpegwriter.h          |    27 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msqueue.h    |   129 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msrtp.h      |    52 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/mssndcard.h  |   487 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/mstee.h      |    30 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msticker.h   |   273 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/mstonedetector.h        |    57 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msv4l.h      |    30 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msvideo.h    |   349 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msvideoout.h |    28 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/msvolume.h   |    77 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/mswebcam.h   |   240 +
 .../include/mediastreamer2/qualityindicator.h      |    87 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/rfc3984.h    |    68 +
 mediastreamer2/include/mediastreamer2/upnp_igd.h   |    93 +
 mediastreamer2/install-sh                          |   527 +
 mediastreamer2/java/.classpath                     |     7 +
 mediastreamer2/java/.project                       |    33 +
 mediastreamer2/java/AndroidManifest.xml            |    29 +
 mediastreamer2/java/default.properties             |    11 +
 mediastreamer2/java/proguard.cfg                   |    40 +
 mediastreamer2/java/res/layout-land/main.xml       |    18 +
 mediastreamer2/java/res/layout/main.xml            |    18 +
 .../java/res/menu/videocall_activity_menu.xml      |    36 +
 mediastreamer2/java/res/values/strings.xml         |     5 +
 .../src/org/linphone/mediastream/CpuUtils.java     |    34 +
 .../java/src/org/linphone/mediastream/Log.java     |   118 +
 .../java/src/org/linphone/mediastream/Version.java |   114 +
 .../mediastream/video/AndroidVideoWindowImpl.java  |   249 +
 .../video/capture/AndroidVideoApi5JniWrapper.java  |   216 +
 .../video/capture/AndroidVideoApi8JniWrapper.java  |    78 +
 .../video/capture/AndroidVideoApi9JniWrapper.java  |   146 +
 .../capture/hwconf/AndroidCameraConfiguration.java |    99 +
 .../hwconf/AndroidCameraConfigurationReader5.java  |    67 +
 .../hwconf/AndroidCameraConfigurationReader9.java  |    49 +
 .../mediastream/video/capture/hwconf/Hacks.java    |   130 +
 .../mediastream/video/display/GL2JNIView.java      |   292 +
 .../mediastream/video/display/OpenGLESDisplay.java |    24 +
 mediastreamer2/jni/Application.mk                  |    14 +
 mediastreamer2/ltmain.sh                           |  9661 +++++++
 mediastreamer2/m4/Makefile.am                      |     2 +
 mediastreamer2/m4/Makefile.in                      |   479 +
 mediastreamer2/m4/gettext.m4                       |   419 +
 mediastreamer2/m4/intltool.m4                      |   237 +
 mediastreamer2/m4/libtool.m4                       |  8001 ++++++
 mediastreamer2/m4/ltoptions.m4                     |   384 +
 mediastreamer2/m4/ltsugar.m4                       |   123 +
 mediastreamer2/m4/ltversion.m4                     |    23 +
 mediastreamer2/m4/lt~obsolete.m4                   |    98 +
 mediastreamer2/m4/obsolete.m4                      |     1 +
 mediastreamer2/m4/po.m4                            |   428 +
 mediastreamer2/mediastreamer-config.h.in           |   256 +
 mediastreamer2/mediastreamer.pc.in                 |    11 +
 mediastreamer2/mediastreamer2.spec                 |    83 +
 mediastreamer2/mediastreamer2.spec.in              |    83 +
 mediastreamer2/missing                             |   331 +
 mediastreamer2/pkg.list                            |    43 +
 mediastreamer2/po/ChangeLog                        |    12 +
 mediastreamer2/po/LINGUAS                          |     1 +
 mediastreamer2/po/Makefile.in.in                   |   222 +
 mediastreamer2/po/Makevars                         |    41 +
 mediastreamer2/po/POTFILES.in                      |    48 +
 mediastreamer2/po/cs.po                            |   325 +
 mediastreamer2/po/de.po                            |   318 +
 mediastreamer2/po/es.po                            |   296 +
 mediastreamer2/po/fr.po                            |   296 +
 mediastreamer2/po/hu.po                            |   296 +
 mediastreamer2/po/it.po                            |   309 +
 mediastreamer2/po/ja.po                            |   296 +
 mediastreamer2/po/nl.po                            |   298 +
 mediastreamer2/po/pl.po                            |   295 +
 mediastreamer2/po/pt_BR.po                         |   296 +
 mediastreamer2/po/ru.po                            |   297 +
 mediastreamer2/po/sv.po                            |   309 +
 mediastreamer2/po/zh_CN.po                         |   310 +
 mediastreamer2/src/Makefile.am                     |   393 +
 mediastreamer2/src/Makefile.in                     |  1772 ++
 mediastreamer2/src/android/AudioRecord.cpp         |   141 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/AudioRecord.h           |   377 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/AudioSystem.cpp         |   126 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/AudioSystem.h           |   265 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/AudioTrack.cpp          |   155 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/AudioTrack.h            |   442 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/String8.cpp             |    59 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/String8.h               |    40 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/android-display-bad.cpp |   289 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/android-display.c       |   231 +
 .../src/android/android-opengl-display.c           |   180 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/android_echo.cpp        |   190 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/android_echo.h          |    35 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/androidsound.cpp        |   734 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/androidsound_depr.cpp   |   902 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/androidvideo.cpp        |   579 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/audio.h                 |   548 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/libneon/Android.mk      |    37 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/libneon/libneon_jni.cc  |    37 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/loader.cpp              |    55 +
 mediastreamer2/src/android/loader.h                |   341 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/aac-eld.c          |   675 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/alaw.c             |   223 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/alsa.c             |  1138 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/aqsnd.c            |  1127 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/arts.c             |   207 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/audiomixer.c       |   330 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/chanadapt.c        |   139 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/dtmfgen.c          |   377 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/equalizer.c        |   363 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/g726.c             |   316 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/genericplc.c       |   128 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/gsm.c              |   219 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/l16.c              |   234 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/macsnd.c           |   800 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msconf.c           |   817 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msfileplayer.c     |   480 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msfilerec.c        |   251 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msg722.c           |   269 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msiounit.m         |   896 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msopus.c           |   845 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msresample.c       |   259 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msspeex.c          |   679 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msvolume.c         |   556 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/oss.c              |   558 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/pasnd.c            |   597 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/pulseaudio.c       |   340 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/speexec.c          |   510 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/tonedetector.c     |   238 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/ulaw.c             |   229 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/waveheader.h       |   128 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/webrtc_aec.c       |   465 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/winsnd.c           |   972 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/winsnd2.c          |  1593 ++
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/winsnd3.c          |   723 +
 mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/winsndds.cpp       |  1874 ++
 mediastreamer2/src/base/eventqueue.c               |   149 +
 mediastreamer2/src/base/mscommon.c                 |   675 +
 mediastreamer2/src/base/msfilter.c                 |   487 +
 mediastreamer2/src/base/msqueue.c                  |   129 +
 mediastreamer2/src/base/mssndcard.c                |   253 +
 mediastreamer2/src/base/msticker.c                 |   587 +
 mediastreamer2/src/base/mswebcam.c                 |   137 +
 mediastreamer2/src/base/mtu.c                      |   297 +
 mediastreamer2/src/dxfilter.cpp                    |   884 +
 mediastreamer2/src/dxfilter.h                      |   231 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/utils/g722.h                    |   152 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/utils/g722_encode.c             |   400 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/utils/kiss_fftr.c               |   296 +
 mediastreamer2/src/utils/kiss_fftr.h               |    57 +
 mediastreamer2/src/utils/msjava.c                  |    75 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/utils/shaders.h                 |    35 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/iosdisplay.m       |   339 +
 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/jpegwriter.c       |   191 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/msv4l.c            |  1072 +
 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/msv4l2.c           |   658 +
 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/nowebcam.c         |  1987 ++
 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/pixconv.c          |   160 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/sizeconv.c         |   233 +
 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/theora.c           |   591 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/videoout.c         |  1041 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/winvideo.c         |   682 +
 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/winvideo2.c        |   505 +
 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/winvideods.c       |  1534 ++
 mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/x11video.c         |   564 +
 mediastreamer2/src/voip/audioconference.c          |   278 +
 mediastreamer2/src/voip/audiostream.c              |   853 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/voip/bitratedriver.c            |   262 +
 mediastreamer2/src/voip/ice.c                      |  3313 +++
 mediastreamer2/src/voip/layouts.c                  |   166 +
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 mediastreamer2/src/voip/msvideo_neon.h             |    13 +
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 .../tester/mediastreamer2_sound_card_tester.c      |   371 +
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 mediastreamer2/tester/mediastreamer2_tester.h      |    66 +
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 .../tester/mediastreamer2_tester_private.h         |    83 +
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 .../tester/sounds/chimes_48000_stereo.wav          |   Bin 0 -> 1003148 bytes
 .../tester/sounds/laserrocket_16000_mono.wav       |   Bin 0 -> 132108 bytes
 mediastreamer2/tester/sounds/nylon_48000_mono.wav  |   Bin 0 -> 512044 bytes
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 .../tester/sounds/punch_16000_stereo.wav           |   Bin 0 -> 87864 bytes
 mediastreamer2/tools/Android.mk                    |    67 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/Makefile.am                   |    91 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/Makefile.in                   |   854 +
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 mediastreamer2/tools/echo.c                        |   125 +
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 .../ios/en.lproj/mediastreamViewController.xib     |   419 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/ios/mediastream-Info.plist    |    40 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/ios/mediastream-Prefix.pch    |    14 +
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 .../tools/ios/mediastreamViewController.h          |    27 +
 .../tools/ios/mediastreamViewController.m          |   119 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/mediastream.c                 |  1168 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/mediastream_cocoa.m           |    78 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/mtudiscover.c                 |    37 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/pcap_playback.c               |   329 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/ring.c                        |    52 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/ring_jni.c                    |   109 +
 mediastreamer2/tools/test_x11window.c              |    56 +
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 mediastreamer2/tools/videodisplay.c                |   134 +
 missing                                            |   331 +
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 oRTP/include/ortp/ortp.h                           |    98 +
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 oRTP/include/ortp/rtp.h                            |   126 +
 oRTP/include/ortp/rtpprofile.h                     |   104 +
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 oRTP/include/ortp/rtpsignaltable.h                 |    53 +
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 oRTP/m4/lt~obsolete.m4                             |    98 +
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 oRTP/src/Makefile.am                               |    55 +
 oRTP/src/Makefile.in                               |   811 +
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 oRTP/src/b64.c                                     |   607 +
 oRTP/src/dll_entry.c                               |   164 +
 oRTP/src/event.c                                   |   114 +
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 oRTP/src/ortp.c                                    |   204 +
 oRTP/src/ortp_srtp.c                               |   365 +
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 oRTP/src/posixtimer.c                              |   189 +
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 oRTP/src/rtcpparse.c                               |   285 +
 oRTP/src/rtpparse.c                                |   241 +
 oRTP/src/rtpprofile.c                              |   223 +
 oRTP/src/rtpsession.c                              |  1862 ++
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 oRTP/src/rtpsignaltable.c                          |    98 +
 oRTP/src/rtptimer.c                                |    33 +
 oRTP/src/rtptimer.h                                |    52 +
 oRTP/src/scheduler.c                               |   212 +
 oRTP/src/scheduler.h                               |    69 +
 oRTP/src/sessionset.c                              |   220 +
 oRTP/src/str_utils.c                               |   348 +
 oRTP/src/stun.c                                    |  2893 ++
 oRTP/src/stun_udp.c                                |   473 +
 oRTP/src/system                                    |    15 +
 oRTP/src/telephonyevents.c                         |   421 +
 oRTP/src/tests/Makefile.am                         |    32 +
 oRTP/src/tests/Makefile.in                         |   813 +
 oRTP/src/tests/mrtprecv.c                          |   159 +
 oRTP/src/tests/mrtpsend.c                          |   175 +
 oRTP/src/tests/rtpmemtest.c                        |   152 +
 oRTP/src/tests/rtprecv.c                           |   184 +
 oRTP/src/tests/rtpsend.c                           |   128 +
 oRTP/src/tests/rtpsend_stupid.c                    |   126 +
 oRTP/src/tests/test_timer.c                        |    43 +
 oRTP/src/tests/tevmrtprecv.c                       |   175 +
 oRTP/src/tests/tevrtprecv.c                        |   108 +
 oRTP/src/tests/tevrtpsend.c                        |    99 +
 oRTP/src/tests/win_receiver/Makefile.am            |     2 +
 oRTP/src/tests/win_receiver/Makefile.in            |   401 +
 oRTP/src/tests/win_receiver/RTPReceiver.cpp        |   236 +
 oRTP/src/tests/win_receiver/RTPReceiver.vcproj     |   216 +
 oRTP/src/tests/win_sender/Makefile.am              |     2 +
 oRTP/src/tests/win_sender/Makefile.in              |   401 +
 oRTP/src/tests/win_sender/RTPSender.cpp            |   265 +
 oRTP/src/tests/win_sender/RTPSender.vcproj         |   216 +
 oRTP/src/utils.c                                   |    86 +
 oRTP/src/utils.h                                   |    84 +
 oRTP/src/winrttimer.cpp                            |    85 +
 oRTP/src/winrttimer.h                              |    16 +
 oRTP/src/zrtp.c                                    |   935 +
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 pixmaps/Makefile.in                                |   541 +
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 pixmaps/chat_message_inprogress.png                |   Bin 0 -> 2052 bytes
 pixmaps/chat_message_not_delivered.png             |   Bin 0 -> 2026 bytes
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 pixmaps/contact_starred.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 2978 bytes
 pixmaps/contact_unstarred.png                      |   Bin 0 -> 2894 bytes
 pixmaps/dialer-orange.png                          |   Bin 0 -> 1318 bytes
 pixmaps/dialer.png                                 |   Bin 0 -> 3744 bytes
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 pixmaps/hold_off.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 3897 bytes
 pixmaps/hold_on.png                                |   Bin 0 -> 2083 bytes
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 pixmaps/linphone.icns                              |   Bin 0 -> 10887 bytes
 pixmaps/linphone.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 2747 bytes
 pixmaps/mic_active.png                             |   Bin 0 -> 3523 bytes
 pixmaps/mic_muted.png                              |   Bin 0 -> 3716 bytes
 pixmaps/notok.png                                  |   Bin 0 -> 2023 bytes
 pixmaps/ok.png                                     |   Bin 0 -> 1373 bytes
 pixmaps/speaker.png                                |   Bin 0 -> 455 bytes
 pixmaps/startcall-green.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 6008 bytes
 pixmaps/startcall-small.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 3726 bytes
 pixmaps/status-green.png                           |   Bin 0 -> 1242 bytes
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 pixmaps/status-orange.png                          |   Bin 0 -> 1252 bytes
 pixmaps/status-red.png                             |   Bin 0 -> 1202 bytes
 pixmaps/stopcall-red.png                           |   Bin 0 -> 5770 bytes
 pixmaps/stopcall-small.png                         |   Bin 0 -> 3764 bytes
 po/ChangeLog                                       |    97 +
 po/Makefile.in.in                                  |   222 +
 po/Makevars                                        |    41 +
 po/POTFILES.in                                     |    38 +
 po/POTFILES.skip                                   |    49 +
 po/cs.po                                           |  2677 ++
 po/de.po                                           |  2767 ++
 po/es.po                                           |  2468 ++
 po/fr.po                                           |  1859 ++
 po/he.po                                           |  2001 ++
 po/hu.po                                           |  2306 ++
 po/it.po                                           |  2220 ++
 po/ja.po                                           |  2186 ++
 po/nb_NO.po                                        |  2266 ++
 po/nl.po                                           |  2428 ++
 po/pl.po                                           |  2167 ++
 po/pt_BR.po                                        |  2160 ++
 po/ru.po                                           |  2771 ++
 po/sr.po                                           |  1897 ++
 po/sv.po                                           |  2224 ++
 po/zh_CN.po                                        |  2149 ++
 po/zh_TW.po                                        |  2123 ++
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 share/Makefile.am                                  |    43 +
 share/Makefile.in                                  |   839 +
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 share/fr/Makefile.in                               |   491 +
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 share/fr/manual.sgml                               |   488 +
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 share/it/Makefile.am                               |     3 +
 share/it/Makefile.in                               |   491 +
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 share/it/manual.sgml                               |   494 +
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 share/ja/Makefile.in                               |   491 +
 share/ja/manual.lyx                                |   505 +
 share/ja/manual.sgml                               |   480 +
 share/linphone.desktop.in                          |    10 +
 share/linphone.pc.in                               |    11 +
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 share/rings/oldphone-mono-30s.caf                  |   Bin 0 -> 344402 bytes
 share/rings/oldphone-mono.wav                      |   Bin 0 -> 156120 bytes
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 share/rings/toy-mono.wav                           |   Bin 0 -> 477458 bytes
 share/rootca.pem                                   |  3895 +++
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 share/xml/Makefile.in                              |   468 +
 share/xml/lpconfig.xsd                             |    45 +
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 tools/Makefile.in                                  |   839 +
 tools/lpc2xml.c                                    |   293 +
 tools/lpc2xml.h                                    |    46 +
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 tools/xml2lpc.c                                    |   352 +
 tools/xml2lpc.h                                    |    52 +
 tools/xml2lpc_jni.cc                               |   149 +
 tools/xml2lpc_test.c                               |    72 +
 814 files changed, 405096 insertions(+)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/linphone.git

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