[Pkg-voip-commits] [linphone] 03/07: Import Debian patch 3.6.1-2.2

Bernhard Schmidt berni at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 16 07:15:57 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

berni pushed a commit to branch jessie
in repository linphone.

commit 4cb6e8000aa34b5a2b65409cf70f827b477013ef
Author: Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
Date:   Wed Mar 26 19:51:02 2014 -0400

    Import Debian patch 3.6.1-2.2
 debian/changelog             |   7 +
 debian/control               |   2 +-
 debian/patches/libav10.patch | 600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series        |   1 +
 4 files changed, 609 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 2d6af2a..1544fd0 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+linphone (3.6.1-2.2) experimental; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Add libav10.patch and compile against libav10 (Closes: #739314)
+ -- Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>  Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:51:02 -0400
 linphone (3.6.1-2.1) unstable; urgency=high
   * Non-maintainer upload.
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 0e59bb9..6ae0c17 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
  libreadline-dev, libsdl1.2-dev,
  libcairo2-dev, libfontconfig1-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev,
- libavcodec-dev, libavutil-dev, libswscale-dev
+ libavcodec-dev (>= 6:10~), libavutil-dev (>= 6:10~), libswscale-dev (>= 6:10~)
 # Requires updated libsrtp-dev
 # libsrtp-dev [!hurd-any !sparc], libzrtpcpp-dev (>= 2.1),
diff --git a/debian/patches/libav10.patch b/debian/patches/libav10.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29772dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/libav10.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+From: anton at khirnov.net
+To: 739314 at bugs.debian.org
+Subject: Re: FTBFS with libav10
+Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 08:49:06 +0100
+Index: linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/nowebcam.c
+--- linphone-3.6.1.orig/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/nowebcam.c	2013-02-20 13:38:36.504652970 +0000
++++ linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/nowebcam.c	2014-02-26 07:21:49.232963255 +0000
+@@ -56,20 +56,25 @@
+ #ifndef NO_FFMPEG
+ 	AVCodecContext av_context;
+ 	int got_picture=0;
+-	AVFrame orig;
++	AVFrame *orig;
+ 	mblk_t *ret;
+ 	struct SwsContext *sws_ctx;
+ 	AVPacket pkt;
+ 	MSPicture dest;
+-	AVCodec *codec=avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_MJPEG);
++	AVCodec *codec=avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG);
+ 	if (codec==NULL){
+ 		ms_error("Could not find MJPEG decoder in ffmpeg.");
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
++	orig = av_frame_alloc();
++	if (!orig)
++		return NULL;
+ 	avcodec_get_context_defaults(&av_context);
+ 	if (avcodec_open(&av_context,codec)<0){
++		av_frame_free(&orig);
+ 		ms_error("jpeg2yuv: avcodec_open failed");
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+@@ -79,6 +84,7 @@
+ 	if (avcodec_decode_video2(&av_context,&orig,&got_picture,&pkt) < 0) {
+ 		ms_error("jpeg2yuv: avcodec_decode_video failed");
++		av_frame_free(&orig);
+ 		avcodec_close(&av_context);
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+@@ -90,24 +96,27 @@
+                 NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ 	if (sws_ctx==NULL) {
+ 		ms_error("jpeg2yuv: ms_sws_getContext() failed.");
++		av_frame_free(&orig);
+ 		avcodec_close(&av_context);
+ 		freemsg(ret);
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+-	if (sws_scale(sws_ctx,(const uint8_t* const *)orig.data,orig.linesize,0,av_context.height,dest.planes,dest.strides)<0){
++	if (sws_scale(sws_ctx,(const uint8_t* const *)orig->data,orig->linesize,0,av_context.height,dest.planes,dest.strides)<0){
+ #else
+-	if (sws_scale(sws_ctx,(uint8_t**)orig.data,orig.linesize,0,av_context.height,dest.planes,dest.strides)<0){
++	if (sws_scale(sws_ctx,(uint8_t**)orig->data,orig->linesize,0,av_context.height,dest.planes,dest.strides)<0){
+ #endif
+ 		ms_error("jpeg2yuv: ms_sws_scale() failed.");
+ 		sws_freeContext(sws_ctx);
+ 		avcodec_close(&av_context);
++		av_frame_free(&orig);
+ 		freemsg(ret);
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	sws_freeContext(sws_ctx);
+ 	avcodec_close(&av_context);
++	av_frame_free(&orig);
+ 	return ret;
+ 	MSPicture dest;
+Index: linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/videoenc.c
+--- linphone-3.6.1.orig/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/videoenc.c	2013-06-14 15:21:26.654950046 +0000
++++ linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/videoenc.c	2014-02-26 07:47:37.095279237 +0000
+@@ -223,19 +223,15 @@
+ }
+ static void enc_h263_init(MSFilter *f){
+-	enc_init(f,CODEC_ID_H263P);
++	enc_init(f,AV_CODEC_ID_H263P);
+ }
+ static void enc_mpeg4_init(MSFilter *f){
+-	enc_init(f,CODEC_ID_MPEG4);
+-static void enc_snow_init(MSFilter *f){
+-	enc_init(f,CODEC_ID_SNOW);
++	enc_init(f,AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4);
+ }
+ static void enc_mjpeg_init(MSFilter *f){
+-	enc_init(f,CODEC_ID_MJPEG);
++	enc_init(f,AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG);
+ }
+ static void prepare(EncState *s){
+@@ -243,7 +239,7 @@
+ 	const int max_br_vbv=128000;
+ 	avcodec_get_context_defaults(c);
+-	if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_MJPEG)
++	if (s->codec==AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG)
+ 	{
+ 		ms_message("Codec bitrate set to %i",c->bit_rate);
+ 		c->width = s->vsize.width;  
+@@ -269,8 +265,7 @@
+ 	/* ffmpeg vbv rate control consumes too much cpu above a certain target bitrate.
+ 	We don't use it above max_br_vbv */
+-	if (s->codec!=CODEC_ID_SNOW && s->maxbr<max_br_vbv){
+-		/*snow does not like 1st pass rate control*/
++	if (s->maxbr<max_br_vbv){
+ 		c->rc_max_rate=c->bit_rate;
+ 		c->rc_min_rate=0;
+ 		c->rc_buffer_size=c->rc_max_rate;
+@@ -287,9 +282,6 @@
+ 	c->gop_size=(int)s->fps*10; /*emit I frame every 10 seconds*/
+ 	c->pix_fmt=PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
+ 	s->comp_buf=allocb(c->bit_rate*2,0);
+-	if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_SNOW){
+-		c->strict_std_compliance=-2;
+-	}
+ 	ms_message("Codec size set to w=%i/h=%i",c->width, c->height);
+@@ -304,7 +296,7 @@
+ #endif
+ 	c->rtp_payload_size = s->mtu/2;
+ 	if (s->profile==0){
+-		s->codec=CODEC_ID_H263;
++		s->codec=AV_CODEC_ID_H263;
+ 	}else{
+ 		/*
+ 		c->flags|=CODEC_FLAG_H263P_UMV;
+@@ -313,7 +305,7 @@
+ 		c->flags|=CODEC_FLAG_OBMC;
+ 		c->flags|=CODEC_FLAG_AC_PRED;
+ 		*/
+-		s->codec=CODEC_ID_H263P;
++		s->codec=AV_CODEC_ID_H263P;
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -331,13 +323,11 @@
+ 	EncState *s=(EncState*)f->data;
+ 	int error;
+ 	prepare(s);
+-	if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_H263P || s->codec==CODEC_ID_H263)
++	if (s->codec==AV_CODEC_ID_H263P || s->codec==AV_CODEC_ID_H263)
+ 		prepare_h263(s);
+-	else if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_MPEG4)
++	else if (s->codec==AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4)
+ 		prepare_mpeg4(s);
+-	else if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_SNOW){
+-		/**/
+-	}else if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_MJPEG){
++	else if (s->codec==AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG){
+ 		/**/
+ 	}else {
+ 		ms_error("Unsupported codec id %i",s->codec);
+@@ -724,12 +714,12 @@
+ 	uint8_t *psc;
+ 	uint32_t timestamp=f->ticker->time*90LL;
+-	if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_MPEG4 || s->codec==CODEC_ID_SNOW)
++	if (s->codec==AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4)
+ 	{
+ 		mpeg4_fragment_and_send(f,s,frame,timestamp);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+-	else if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_MJPEG)
++	else if (s->codec==AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG)
+ 	{
+ 		mblk_t *lqt=NULL;
+ 		mblk_t *cqt=NULL;
+@@ -766,8 +756,9 @@
+ static void process_frame(MSFilter *f, mblk_t *inm){
+ 	EncState *s=(EncState*)f->data;
+ 	AVFrame pict;
++	AVPacket pkt;
+ 	AVCodecContext *c=&s->av_context;
+-	int error;
++	int error, got_output;
+ 	mblk_t *comp_buf=s->comp_buf;
+ 	int comp_buf_sz=comp_buf->b_datap->db_lim-comp_buf->b_datap->db_base;
+ 	YuvBuf yuv;
+@@ -789,23 +780,18 @@
+ 		s->req_vfu=FALSE;
+ 	}
+ 	comp_buf->b_rptr=comp_buf->b_wptr=comp_buf->b_datap->db_base;
+-	if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_SNOW){
+-		//prepend picture size
+-		uint32_t header=((s->vsize.width&0xffff)<<16) | (s->vsize.height&0xffff);
+-		*(uint32_t*)comp_buf->b_wptr=htonl(header);
+-		comp_buf->b_wptr+=4;
+-		comp_buf_sz-=4;
+-	}
+-	error=avcodec_encode_video(c, (uint8_t*)comp_buf->b_wptr,comp_buf_sz, &pict);
++	pkt.data = (uint8_t *)comp_buf->b_wptr;
++	pkt.size = comp_buf_sz;
++	error=avcodec_encode_video2(c, &pkt, &pict, &got_output);
+-	if (error<=0) ms_warning("ms_AVencoder_process: error %i.",error);
+-	else{
++	if (error<0) ms_warning("ms_AVencoder_process: error %i.",error);
++	else if (got_output) {
+ 		s->framenum++;
+ 		if (s->framenum==1){
+ 			video_starter_first_frame (&s->starter,f->ticker->time);
+ 		}
+-		if (c->coded_frame->pict_type==FF_I_TYPE){
++		if (c->coded_frame->pict_type==AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I){
+ 			ms_message("Emitting I-frame");
+ 		}
+ 		comp_buf->b_wptr+=error;
+@@ -837,7 +823,6 @@
+ static int enc_set_br(MSFilter *f, void *arg){
+ 	EncState *s=(EncState*)f->data;
+-	bool_t snow=s->codec==CODEC_ID_SNOW;
+ 	s->maxbr=*(int*)arg;
+ 	if (s->av_context.codec!=NULL){
+ 		/*when we are processing, apply new settings immediately*/
+@@ -847,8 +832,8 @@
+ 		ms_filter_unlock(f);
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+-	if (s->maxbr>=1024000 && s->codec!=CODEC_ID_H263P){
+-		if (s->codec!=CODEC_ID_H263P){
++	if (s->maxbr>=1024000 && s->codec!=AV_CODEC_ID_H263P){
++		if (s->codec!=AV_CODEC_ID_H263P){
+ 			s->vsize.width = MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SVGA_W;
+ 			s->vsize.height = MS_VIDEO_SIZE_SVGA_H;
+ 		}else{
+@@ -857,7 +842,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 		s->fps=25;
+ 	}else if (s->maxbr>=800000 ){
+-		if (s->codec!=CODEC_ID_H263P){
++		if (s->codec!=AV_CODEC_ID_H263P){
+ 			s->vsize.width = MS_VIDEO_SIZE_VGA_W;
+ 			s->vsize.height = MS_VIDEO_SIZE_VGA_H;
+ 		}else{
+@@ -874,7 +859,7 @@
+ 		s->vsize.height=MS_VIDEO_SIZE_CIF_H;
+ 		s->fps=17;
+ 		s->qmin=3;
+-	}else if (s->maxbr>=170000 && s->codec!=CODEC_ID_H263P && s->codec!=CODEC_ID_H263){
++	}else if (s->maxbr>=170000 && s->codec!=AV_CODEC_ID_H263P && s->codec!=AV_CODEC_ID_H263){
+ 		s->vsize.width=MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QVGA_W;
+ 		s->vsize.height=MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QVGA_H;
+ 		s->fps=15;
+@@ -887,8 +872,8 @@
+ 	}else if (s->maxbr>=64000){
+ 		s->vsize.width=MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QCIF_W;
+ 		s->vsize.height=MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QCIF_H;
+-		s->fps=snow ? 7 : 5;
+-		s->qmin=snow ? 4 : 5;
++		s->fps=5;
++		s->qmin=5;
+ 	}else{
+ 		s->vsize.width=MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QCIF_W;
+ 		s->vsize.height=MS_VIDEO_SIZE_QCIF_H;
+@@ -963,22 +948,6 @@
+ 	methods
+ };
+-MSFilterDesc ms_snow_enc_desc={
+-	"MSSnowEnc",
+-	N_("A video snow encoder using ffmpeg library."),
+-	"x-snow",
+-	1, /*MS_YUV420P is assumed on this input */
+-	1,
+-	enc_snow_init,
+-	enc_preprocess,
+-	enc_process,
+-	enc_postprocess,
+-	enc_uninit,
+-	methods
+ MSFilterDesc ms_mjpeg_enc_desc={
+ 	"MSJpegEnc",
+@@ -1045,26 +1014,6 @@
+ 	.methods=methods
+ };
+-MSFilterDesc ms_snow_enc_desc={
+-	.id=MS_SNOW_ENC_ID,
+-	.name="MSSnowEnc",
+-	.text=N_("The snow codec is royalty-free and is open-source. \n"
+-		"It uses innovative techniques that makes it one of most promising video "
+-		"codec. It is implemented within the ffmpeg project.\n"
+-		"However it is under development, quite unstable and compatibility with other versions "
+-		"cannot be guaranteed."),
+-	.category=MS_FILTER_ENCODER,
+-	.enc_fmt="x-snow",
+-	.ninputs=1, /*MS_YUV420P is assumed on this input */
+-	.noutputs=1,
+-	.init=enc_snow_init,
+-	.preprocess=enc_preprocess,
+-	.process=enc_process,
+-	.postprocess=enc_postprocess,
+-	.uninit=enc_uninit,
+-	.methods=methods
+ MSFilterDesc ms_mjpeg_enc_desc={
+ 	.id=MS_JPEG_ENC_ID,
+ 	.name="MSMJpegEnc",
+@@ -1085,15 +1034,13 @@
+ void __register_ffmpeg_encoders_if_possible(void){
+ 	ms_ffmpeg_check_init();
+-	if (avcodec_find_encoder(CODEC_ID_MPEG4))
++	if (avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4))
+ 		ms_filter_register(&ms_mpeg4_enc_desc);
+-	if (avcodec_find_encoder(CODEC_ID_H263)){
++	if (avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H263)){
+ 		ms_filter_register(&ms_h263_enc_desc);
+ 		ms_filter_register(&ms_h263_old_enc_desc);
+ 	}
+-	if (avcodec_find_encoder(CODEC_ID_SNOW))
+-		ms_filter_register(&ms_snow_enc_desc);
+-	if (avcodec_find_encoder(CODEC_ID_MJPEG))
++	if (avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG))
+ 	{
+ 		ms_filter_register(&ms_mjpeg_enc_desc);
+ 	}
+Index: linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/jpegwriter.c
+--- linphone-3.6.1.orig/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/jpegwriter.c	2013-02-20 13:38:36.504652970 +0000
++++ linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/jpegwriter.c	2014-02-26 07:43:01.362474399 +0000
+@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
+ static void jpg_init(MSFilter *f){
+ 	JpegWriter *s=ms_new0(JpegWriter,1);
+-	s->codec=avcodec_find_encoder(CODEC_ID_MJPEG);
++	s->codec=avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG);
+ 	if (s->codec==NULL){
+-		ms_error("Could not find CODEC_ID_MJPEG !");
++		ms_error("Could not find AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG !");
+ 	}
+ 	f->data=s;
+ }
+@@ -83,10 +83,9 @@
+ 		MSPicture yuvbuf, yuvjpeg;
+ 		mblk_t *m=ms_queue_peek_last(f->inputs[0]);
+ 		if (ms_yuv_buf_init_from_mblk(&yuvbuf,m)==0){
+-			int error;
+-			int comp_buf_sz=msgdsize(m);
+-			uint8_t *comp_buf=(uint8_t*)alloca(comp_buf_sz);
++			int error, got_output;
+ 			AVFrame pict;
++			AVPacket pkt = { 0 };
+ 			mblk_t *jpegm;
+ 			struct SwsContext *sws_ctx;
+@@ -128,16 +127,17 @@
+ 			avcodec_get_frame_defaults(&pict);
+ 			avpicture_fill((AVPicture*)&pict,(uint8_t*)jpegm->b_rptr,avctx->pix_fmt,avctx->width,avctx->height);
+-			error=avcodec_encode_video(avctx, (uint8_t*)comp_buf,comp_buf_sz, &pict);
++			error=avcodec_encode_video2(avctx, &pkt, &pict, &got_output);
+ 			if (error<0){
+ 				ms_error("Could not encode jpeg picture.");
+-			}else{
+-				if (fwrite(comp_buf,error,1,s->file)>0){
++			}else if (got_output) {
++				if (fwrite(pkt.data,pkt.size,1,s->file)>0){
+ 					ms_message("Snapshot done");
+ 				}else{
+ 					ms_error("Error writing snapshot.");
+ 				}
+ 			}
++			av_packet_unref(&pkt);
+ 			cleanup(s,avctx);
+ 			freemsg(jpegm);
+ 		}
+Index: linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/videodec.c
+--- linphone-3.6.1.orig/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/videodec.c	2013-02-20 13:38:36.504652970 +0000
++++ linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/videodec.c	2014-02-26 07:27:45.029778243 +0000
+@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
+ 	uint8_t dci[512];
+ 	int dci_size;
+ 	uint64_t last_error_reported_time;
+-	bool_t snow_initialized;
+ 	bool_t first_image_decoded;
+ }DecState;
+@@ -59,7 +58,6 @@
+ 	s->input=NULL;
+ 	s->yuv_msg=NULL;
+ 	s->output_pix_fmt=PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
+-	s->snow_initialized=FALSE;
+ 	s->outbuf.w=0;
+ 	s->outbuf.h=0;
+ 	s->sws_ctx=NULL;
+@@ -77,19 +75,15 @@
+ }
+ static void dec_h263_init(MSFilter *f){
+-	dec_init(f,CODEC_ID_H263);
++	dec_init(f,AV_CODEC_ID_H263);
+ }
+ static void dec_mpeg4_init(MSFilter *f){
+-	dec_init(f,CODEC_ID_MPEG4);
++	dec_init(f,AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4);
+ }
+ static void dec_mjpeg_init(MSFilter *f){
+-	dec_init(f,CODEC_ID_MJPEG);
+-static void dec_snow_init(MSFilter *f){
+-	dec_init(f,CODEC_ID_SNOW);
++	dec_init(f,AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG);
+ }
+ static void dec_uninit(MSFilter *f){
+@@ -133,14 +127,11 @@
+ 	s->first_image_decoded = FALSE;
+ 	if (s->av_context.codec==NULL){
+-		/* we must know picture size before initializing snow decoder*/
+-		if (s->codec!=CODEC_ID_SNOW){
+-			error=avcodec_open(&s->av_context, s->av_codec);
+-			if (error!=0) ms_error("avcodec_open() failed: %i",error);
+-			if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_MPEG4 && s->dci_size>0){
+-				s->av_context.extradata=s->dci;
+-				s->av_context.extradata_size=s->dci_size;
+-			}
++		error=avcodec_open(&s->av_context, s->av_codec);
++		if (error!=0) ms_error("avcodec_open() failed: %i",error);
++		if (s->codec==AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4 && s->dci_size>0){
++			s->av_context.extradata=s->dci;
++			s->av_context.extradata_size=s->dci_size;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -218,30 +209,6 @@
+ 	return NULL;
+ }
+-static mblk_t * parse_snow_header(DecState *s,mblk_t *inm){
+-	if (msgdsize(inm) >= 4){
+-		uint32_t h = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)inm->b_rptr);
+-		if (!s->snow_initialized){
+-			int error;
+-			s->av_context.width=h>>16;
+-			s->av_context.height=h&0xffff;
+-			error=avcodec_open(&s->av_context, s->av_codec);
+-			if (error!=0) ms_error("avcodec_open() failed for snow: %i",error);
+-			else {
+-				s->snow_initialized=TRUE;
+-				ms_message("Snow decoder initialized,size=%ix%i",
+-				s->av_context.width,
+-				s->av_context.height);
+-			}
+-		}
+-		inm->b_rptr+=4;
+-		return inm;
+-	}else {
+-		freemsg(inm);
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+ struct jpeghdr {
+ 	//unsigned int tspec:8;   /* type-specific field */
+ 	unsigned int off:32;    /* fragment byte offset */
+@@ -643,8 +610,7 @@
+ 	if (f->desc->id==MS_H263_DEC_ID) inm=skip_rfc2429_header(inm);
+ 	else if (f->desc->id==MS_H263_OLD_DEC_ID) inm=skip_rfc2190_header(inm);
+-	else if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_SNOW && s->input==NULL) inm=parse_snow_header(s,inm);
+-	else if (s->codec==CODEC_ID_MJPEG && f->desc->id==MS_JPEG_DEC_ID) inm=read_rfc2435_header(s,inm);
++	else if (s->codec==AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG && f->desc->id==MS_JPEG_DEC_ID) inm=read_rfc2435_header(s,inm);
+ 	if (inm){
+ 		/* accumulate the video packet until we have the rtp markbit*/
+@@ -807,22 +773,6 @@
+ 	methods
+ };
+-MSFilterDesc ms_snow_dec_desc={
+-	"MSSnowDec",
+-	N_("A snow decoder using ffmpeg library"),
+-	"snow",
+-	1,
+-	1,
+-	dec_snow_init,
+-	dec_preprocess,
+-	dec_process,
+-	dec_postprocess,
+-	dec_uninit,
+-	methods
+ #else
+ MSFilterDesc ms_h263_dec_desc={
+@@ -906,28 +856,11 @@
+ 	.methods= methods
+ };
+-MSFilterDesc ms_snow_dec_desc={
+-	.id=MS_SNOW_DEC_ID,
+-	.name="MSSnowDec",
+-	.text="A snow decoder using ffmpeg library",
+-	.category=MS_FILTER_DECODER,
+-	.enc_fmt="x-snow",
+-	.ninputs=1,
+-	.noutputs=1,
+-	.init=dec_snow_init,
+-	.preprocess=dec_preprocess,
+-	.process=dec_process,
+-	.postprocess=dec_postprocess,
+-	.uninit=dec_uninit,
+-	.methods= methods
+ #endif
+ MS_FILTER_DESC_EXPORT(ms_mpeg4_dec_desc)
+ MS_FILTER_DESC_EXPORT(ms_h263_dec_desc)
+ MS_FILTER_DESC_EXPORT(ms_h263_old_dec_desc)
+ /* decode JPEG image with RTP/jpeg headers */
+ MS_FILTER_DESC_EXPORT(ms_jpeg_dec_desc)
+Index: linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/h264dec.c
+--- linphone-3.6.1.orig/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/h264dec.c	2013-02-20 13:38:36.476638972 +0000
++++ linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/h264dec.c	2014-02-26 07:28:18.578609351 +0000
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ static void dec_open(DecData *d){
+ 	AVCodec *codec;
+ 	int error;
+-	codec=avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_H264);
++	codec=avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
+ 	if (codec==NULL) ms_fatal("Could not find H264 decoder in ffmpeg.");
+ 	avcodec_get_context_defaults(&d->av_context);
+ 	error=avcodec_open(&d->av_context,codec);
+Index: linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/build/iphone/voipdescs.h
+--- linphone-3.6.1.orig/mediastreamer2/build/iphone/voipdescs.h	2014-02-26 07:29:46.975799162 +0000
++++ linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/build/iphone/voipdescs.h	2014-02-26 07:29:56.918045450 +0000
+@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_mpeg4_dec_desc;
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_h263_dec_desc;
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_h263_old_dec_desc;
+-extern MSFilterDesc ms_snow_dec_desc;
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_jpeg_dec_desc;
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_mjpeg_dec_desc;
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_pix_conv_desc;
+@@ -76,7 +75,6 @@
+ &ms_mpeg4_dec_desc,
+ &ms_h263_dec_desc,
+ &ms_h263_old_dec_desc,
+ &ms_jpeg_dec_desc,
+ &ms_mjpeg_dec_desc,
+ &ms_pix_conv_desc,
+Index: linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/build/win32native/voipdescs.h
+--- linphone-3.6.1.orig/mediastreamer2/build/win32native/voipdescs.h	2012-09-12 09:34:36.000000000 +0000
++++ linphone-3.6.1/mediastreamer2/build/win32native/voipdescs.h	2014-02-26 07:30:21.330650191 +0000
+@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_mpeg4_enc_desc;
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_mpeg4_dec_desc;
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_h264_dec_desc;
+-extern MSFilterDesc ms_snow_enc_desc;
+-extern MSFilterDesc ms_snow_dec_desc;
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_theora_enc_desc;
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_theora_dec_desc;
+ extern MSFilterDesc ms_mjpeg_enc_desc;
+@@ -73,8 +71,6 @@
+ &ms_mpeg4_enc_desc,
+ &ms_mpeg4_dec_desc,
+ &ms_h264_dec_desc,
+ &ms_theora_enc_desc,
+ &ms_theora_dec_desc,
+ &ms_mjpeg_enc_desc,
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 0cba5f2..5ce97aa 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ libav9.patch

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/linphone.git

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