[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, webkit-1.1, updated. upstream/1.1.16-1409-g5afdf4d

abarth at webkit.org abarth at webkit.org
Thu Dec 3 13:37:21 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the webkit-1.1 branch:
commit 62a996e2bd7fec186df86cecfc2fe34d3501a5db
Author: abarth at webkit.org <abarth at webkit.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date:   Mon Nov 16 10:34:46 2009 +0000

    2009-11-16  Adam Barth  <abarth at webkit.org>
            Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
            Implement a StyleQueue
            The first iteration of the style queue only produces output locally.
            There is also a limit of 10 patches because it's not that useful to
            iterate through the entire review queue at this point.  We can remove
            the limit later.
            * Scripts/bugzilla-tool:
            * Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py:
    git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@51019 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

diff --git a/WebKitTools/ChangeLog b/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
index d36cb31..f68faa3 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
+++ b/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,21 @@
         Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
+        Implement a StyleQueue
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31537
+        The first iteration of the style queue only produces output locally.
+        There is also a limit of 10 patches because it's not that useful to
+        iterate through the entire review queue at this point.  We can remove
+        the limit later.
+        * Scripts/bugzilla-tool:
+        * Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py:
+2009-11-16  Adam Barth  <abarth at webkit.org>
+        Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
         Unit test WorkQueue
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool b/WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool
index f6a3317..d0d3a9b 100755
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool
@@ -697,35 +697,65 @@ class CheckTreeStatus(Command):
             print "%s : %s" % (status_string.ljust(4), builder['name'])
-class LandPatchesFromCommitQueue(Command, WorkQueueDelegate):
-    def __init__(self):
+class AbstractQueue(Command, WorkQueueDelegate):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self._name = name
         options = [
             make_option("--no-confirm", action="store_false", dest="confirm", default=True, help="Do not ask the user for confirmation before running the queue.  Dangerous!"),
             make_option("--status-host", action="store", type="string", dest="status_host", default=StatusBot.default_host, help="Do not ask the user for confirmation before running the queue.  Dangerous!"),
-        Command.__init__(self, 'Run the commit queue.', options=options)
+        Command.__init__(self, 'Run the %s.' % self._name, options=options)
     def queue_log_path(self):
-        return 'commit_queue.log'
+        return '%s.log' % self._name
     def work_logs_directory(self):
-        return 'commit_queue_logs'
+        return '%s-logs' % self._name
     def status_host(self):
         return self.options.status_host
     def begin_work_queue(self):
-        log("CAUTION: commit-queue will discard all local changes in %s" % self.tool.scm().checkout_root)
+        log("CAUTION: %s will discard all local changes in %s" % (self._name, self.tool.scm().checkout_root))
         if self.options.confirm:
             response = raw_input("Are you sure?  Type 'yes' to continue: ")
             if (response != 'yes'):
                 error("User declined.")
-        log("Running WebKit Commit Queue. %s" % datetime.now().strftime(WorkQueue.log_date_format))
+        log("Running WebKit %s. %s" % (self._name, datetime.now().strftime(WorkQueue.log_date_format)))
     def should_continue_work_queue(self):
         return True
     def next_work_item(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError, "subclasses must implement"
+    def should_proceed_with_work_item(self, work_item):
+        raise NotImplementedError, "subclasses must implement"
+    def process_work_item(self, work_item):
+        raise NotImplementedError, "subclasses must implement"
+    def handle_unexpected_error(self, work_item, message):
+        raise NotImplementedError, "subclasses must implement"
+    @staticmethod
+    def run_bugzilla_tool(args):
+        bugzilla_tool_path = __file__ # re-execute this script
+        bugzilla_tool_args = [bugzilla_tool_path] + args
+        WebKitLandingScripts.run_and_throw_if_fail(bugzilla_tool_args)
+    def execute(self, options, args, tool):
+        self.options = options
+        self.tool = tool
+        work_queue = WorkQueue(self)
+        work_queue.run()
+class CommitQueue(AbstractQueue):
+    def __init__(self):
+        AbstractQueue.__init__(self, "commit-queue")
+    def next_work_item(self):
         # Fetch patches instead of just bug ids to that we validate reviewer/committer flags on every patch.
         patches = self.tool.bugs.fetch_patches_from_commit_queue(reject_invalid_patches=True)
         if not len(patches):
@@ -742,9 +772,7 @@ class LandPatchesFromCommitQueue(Command, WorkQueueDelegate):
         return (True, "Landing patches from bug %s." % bug_id, bug_id)
     def process_work_item(self, bug_id):
-        bugzilla_tool_path = __file__ # re-execute this script
-        bugzilla_tool_args = [bugzilla_tool_path, 'land-patches', '--force-clean', '--commit-queue', '--quiet', bug_id]
-        WebKitLandingScripts.run_and_throw_if_fail(bugzilla_tool_args)
+        self.run_bugzilla_tool(['land-patches', '--force-clean', '--commit-queue', '--quiet', bug_id])
     def handle_unexpected_error(self, bug_id, message):
         # We don't have a patch id at this point, so try to grab the first patch off
@@ -759,11 +787,30 @@ class LandPatchesFromCommitQueue(Command, WorkQueueDelegate):
         bug_id = non_obsolete_patches[0]['id']
         self.tool.bugs.reject_patch_from_commit_queue(bug_id, message)
-    def execute(self, options, args, tool):
-        self.options = options
-        self.tool = tool
-        work_queue = WorkQueue(self)
-        work_queue.run()
+class StyleQueue(AbstractQueue):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.patches = []
+        AbstractQueue.__init__(self, "style-queue")
+    def next_work_item(self):
+        if not len(self.patches):
+            self.patches = self.tool.bugs.fetch_patches_from_review_queue(limit=10)
+            if not len(self.patches):
+                return None
+        patch_ids = map(lambda patch: patch['id'], self.patches)
+        log("%s in review queue [%s]" % (pluralize('patch', len(self.patches)), ", ".join(patch_ids)))
+        return self.patches.pop(0)['bug_id']
+    def should_proceed_with_work_item(self, bug_id):
+        return (True, "Checking style for bug %s." % bug_id, bug_id)
+    def process_work_item(self, bug_id):
+        self.run_bugzilla_tool(['check-style', '--force-clean', bug_id])
+    def handle_unexpected_error(self, bug_id, message):
+        log(message)
 class NonWrappingEpilogIndentedHelpFormatter(IndentedHelpFormatter):
     def __init__(self):
@@ -804,7 +851,8 @@ class BugzillaTool:
             { 'name' : 'post-diff', 'object' : PostDiffAsPatchToBug() },
             { 'name' : 'post-commits', 'object' : PostCommitsAsPatchesToBug() },
             { 'name' : 'tree-status', 'object' : CheckTreeStatus() },
-            { 'name' : 'commit-queue', 'object' : LandPatchesFromCommitQueue() },
+            { 'name' : 'commit-queue', 'object' : CommitQueue() },
+            { 'name' : 'style-queue', 'object' : StyleQueue() },
             { 'name' : 'rollout', 'object' : RolloutCommit() },
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py b/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py
index e690b32..f221c53 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py
@@ -304,6 +304,29 @@ class Bugzilla:
             patches_to_land += patches
         return patches_to_land
+    def fetch_bug_ids_from_review_queue(self):
+        review_queue_url = self.bug_server_url + "buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&field0-0-0=flagtypes.name&type0-0-0=equals&value0-0-0=review?"
+        page = urllib2.urlopen(review_queue_url)
+        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
+        bug_ids = []
+        # Grab the cells in the first column (which happens to be the bug ids)
+        for bug_link_cell in soup('td', "first-child"): # tds with the class "first-child"
+            bug_link = bug_link_cell.find("a")
+            bug_ids.append(bug_link.string) # the contents happen to be the bug id
+        return bug_ids
+    def fetch_patches_from_review_queue(self, limit):
+        patches_to_review = []
+        for bug_id in self.fetch_bug_ids_from_review_queue():
+            if len(patches_to_review) >= limit:
+                break
+            patches = self.fetch_unreviewed_patches_from_bug(bug_id)
+            patches_to_review += patches
+        return patches_to_review
     def authenticate(self):
         if self.authenticated:

WebKit Debian packaging

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