Roaming functionality with wpasupplicant (was: [pkg-wpa-devel]
cleaning up our suggested modes of use)
Felix Homann
fexpop at
Thu Aug 3 09:38:11 UTC 2006
On Thursday 03 August 2006 09:59, Marc Haber wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 11:24:49AM +1000, Kel Modderman wrote:
> > I like Reinhard's idea of providing a framework for allowing such a
> > plugin interface to provide "roaming logic". However, at this point in
> > time, I do not consider logic provided outside of wpa_supplicant in any
> > way superior, or even required. I simply find guessing the network, when
> > it is already known, unnecessary.
Kel's basically right here. Nevertheless, guessnet allows for a more unified
way of choosing the right logical interface for several physical interfaces.
For example, if a guessnet peer test (probing for IP/MAC addresses) is
appropriate it doesn't matter if your using a wired or a wireless device.
Since you can't use guessnet in combination with the wpa-roam solution you
have to implement one mapping rule in wpa_supplicant.conf via id_str options
and one for other devices in /e/n/i via the guessnet mechanism.
Fortunately, "test ..." lines (necessary for guessnet) in a logical interface
block don't disturb wpa-roam, so you can at least use one and the same
logical interface with guessnet and wpa-roam managed devices.
> It might be necessary when one roams between two dumbly-configured
> networks, probably named "WLAN" or "NETG**R".
You can work around this by specifying the BSSID in wpa_supplicant.conf.
Kind regards,
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