[pkg-wpa-devel] Bug#471858: Bug#471858: wpasupplicant: option "wpa_iface" half works - but does IP config on the wpa_iface not the actual interface (normally a bridge)

Paul Hedderly paul at mjr.org
Fri Mar 21 12:24:06 UTC 2008

Kel Modderman wrote:
> On Friday 21 March 2008 08:28:01 Kel Modderman wrote:
>> On Friday 21 March 2008 03:50:04 Paul Hedderly wrote:
>>> /etc/network/if-up.d/wpasupplicant says:
>>>   # allow wpa_supplicant interface to be specified via wpa-iface
>>>   # useful for starting wpa_supplicant on one interface of a bridge
>>>   if [ -n "$IF_WPA_IFACE" ]; then
>>>         WPA_IFACE="$IF_WPA_IFACE"
>>>   else
>>>         WPA_IFACE="$IFACE"
>>>   fi
>>> If I have an interfaces stanza:
>>>   iface bridge inet manual
>>>     pre-up ip link set up dev wlan0 # (Needed with iwl3945)
>>>     bridge_ports wlan0
>>>     wpa_iface wlan0
>>>     wpa_roam /etc/network/wpa_supplicant.conf
> Aha, i missed this bit, you combine bridge mode with roaming daemon? This is...
> interesting.
Is that another way of saying "you're crazy!" :O)
> Don't roam with a bridged interface, I don't think the wpa-roam schema will
> ever be extended to support this.

I want / 'need' to bridge because I want to
    a) use my laptop as a wireless bridge ocassionaly
    b) link in a VDE2 tap interface onto the bridge so that test qemu
instances can get bridged onto the network properly.

I'm sure it is possible :O)

In /etc/wpa_supplicant/functions.sh in the "ifup" function used
/sbin/wpa_action.sh, it does:


Can that be changed to an if statement that checks to see if
IF_WPA_IFACE is set, and it so uses it

      if ([ "x$IF_WPA_IFACE" == "x" ]); then /sbin/ifup
       else; /sbin/ifup "$IF_WPA_IFACE=$WPA_LOGICAL_IFACE"

I don't know if the IF_WPA_IFACE gets passed through to that point, and
I havent tested it.

Just testing my logic :O)

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