[Pkg-x2go-devel] Getting things started with x2goclient

Reinhard Tartler siretart at debian.org
Tue Feb 1 06:27:03 UTC 2011

On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 01:59:22 (CET), John A. Sullivan III wrote:

>> Most of your proposals are partly already in discussion and in progress.
>> Unfortunately, your conveyed attitude in this mail again feels to me  
>> like taking over the X2go project. Similar to Moritz's posting (same  
>> university institute/project context) on x2go-dev:
>> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.terminal-server.x2go.devel/1392/match=moritz+struebe

NB: Moritz, Alexander (Wuerstlein) and I are working at the same
department and see each other each day. Believe me, I have absolutely no
interest in "taking over" x2go, I really have enough other stuff that I
do in my *spare* time:


plus a couple of other upstream projects where I help out (e.g., ffmpeg
and mplayer).

>> Please talk to Heinz and Alex first and then act!!! Especially if you  
>> do it on behalf of the X2go project.
>> There is an official upstream Git for X2go packages now. Debian (and  
>> other distro) packages should be retrieved from the official Git.
>> We also have received yours and Moritz's patches via mail and we will  
>> take a look at them. Thanks for that. We will include your patch  
>> requests as Enhancement request tickets into our not-yet-ready  
>> bugtracker.
>> Main part is: we (Heinz, Alex, Moritz, possibly you and possibly me)  
>> have to talk in person / on the phone to discuss future project  
>> cooperation.

If you think that helps, I'll be available. You can find my conact
details at the bottom of this page here:


>> A community project is mainly about community and then  
>> about productivity. This is my very personal opinion, community work  
>> is one of _the_ valuable aspects of free software development. If we  
>> cannot find a consensus based communication within the developers'  
>> community of X2go, our common work for X2go will not be very fertile.
>> So to my point of view, before you can start acting in the name of the  
>> X2go project (like you do in this mail) all of the above named persons  
>> will have to talk. Also any other steps should be discussed first and  
>> then consensus-based performed. Please refer to Angela's posting on  
>> the x2go-dev mailing list:
>> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.terminal-server.x2go.devel/1396
>> I also want to stress that I am looking forward to more man power  
>> being gathered around the X2go project context. Also this very process  
>> we go through right now I consider as pretty normal during team  
>> building phases. Teams have to go through disagreements, arguments,  
>> even quarrels before the individuals in the team can act efficiently  
>> and harmoniously. Thus, everything that happens right now is pretty  
>> normal and has a purpose. Let's stick to that!!!
> <snip>
> I, too, am thrilled to see more involvement.  Mike, I sincerely
> appreciate your perspective that working through all these issues is not
> a problem but rather a part of the process.  However, might I suggest
> that the more corrective statements be processed privately, off-list.  I
> don't suspect anyone's intent and working through things is indeed part
> of the process but it is also possible for others to misunderstand
> public statements, take them the wrong way, be offended - all much
> easier to handle off list.  I know if I were Reinhardt, I'd feel like
> someone just smacked me down for trying to help.

This is pretty much how I feel right now. Thanks for summarizing, John.

> Just a suggestion from
> someone who has had more management experience preserving peace than
> development experience (as anyone who reads my code can readily tell!).
> Thanks to all - John

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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