[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#445172: Bug#445172: xfce4: XFCE doesn't register keyboard shortcuts on startup; acts as if Alt were constantly pressed

Omari Stephens xsdg at mit.edu
Mon Oct 8 22:02:17 UTC 2007

Simon Huggins wrote:
::snip? SNIP!::
> Hrm, how bizarre.  Your locale is en_US is there anything odd about your
> keyboard setup in your X config?  Can you give us the lines you have?
I've attached my X config.  I'm currently running with the binary driver, though 
the problem persists regardless of whether I use "nv" or "nvidia."

> Do you have any Xmodmap files or any other local keyboard config that
> might be getting in the way?
Not that I'm aware of.  This was a clean install when I ran into the problem 
Note that I installed the Debian base and then installed everything else by hand 
with apt-get/aptitude.  This has worked flawlessly on a number of machines I've 
set up in the past, which is why I'm so confused.

> Does this still happen if you just use startx?
It does happen if I still use startx.  I noticed that if I merely kill 
xfce-mcs-manager and xfwm4 and start them over again (without touching any 
settings stuff), it just starts working properly.

And as a new development, when I start X, xfwm4 either isn't started or dies 
immediately.  I have no idea whether or not this is related to the original 
problem or something different.  Nonetheless, as I noted above, once I start it 
manually (from a terminal), it works as expected.

Actually, now that I think about it, I believe the xfwm4 not starting properly 
happened about when I added the composite stanza to my xorg.conf (this in 
relation to debian bug 445323).

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