[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#519181: Bug#519181: xfce4-sensors-plugin: Latest version crashes with backtrace

Dave Witbrodt dawitbro at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 11 00:54:38 UTC 2009

Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> At what time does it crash? When Adding the plugin or when doing
> something precise? Would it be possible to attach a gdb and provide a
> backtrace?

   The plugin had already been configured to appear on the panel when 
I upgraded several days ago.  Upgrading caused the plugin to 
disappear, which I found strange, so started checking the logs for 
errors.  I found a backtrace, though slightly different than the one I 
posted in this bug report.
   I decided to restart the X server, in case some miscommunication 
was happening as the result of numerous packages being upgraded at 
once.  The plugin did not reappear, but I did get another backtrace.

   I am attaching the original backtrace errors, though I'm not sure 
they are more helpful than the one I sent today.

   I thought it was likely that this was a problem not limited to 
myself, so I chose to wait and see if an updated package would appear. 
  Using Sid, I'm used to quick updates on broken packages, so I just 
reverted to the older plugin for a while.
   Since no new package appeared, and no one else filed a bug report, 
I decided that no one else is experiencing the crash.  (Or I'm the 
only Debian user actually using the plugin! ;)  Therefore, I submitted 
the report with the newest backtrace today.
   For the bug report, I temporarily reinstalled the new version, so 
that 'reportbug' would automatically show the correct versions and 
dependencies.  I have now gone back to old version so that I can have 
a working plugin.

   To answer your questions directly:

- the plugin crashed when installed, and when attempting to add it 
back to the panel.  Not when doing some specific function of the 
plugin, because it simply will not run for me.

- I have never used 'gdb', but it's something I need and want to 
learn.  I have no time tonight, and tomorrow I have to work, so it's 
very likely that I will not be able to experiment with 'gdb' until the 
day after tomorrow.  (In the meantime, can you provide some 
instructions on what you would like me to do, or direct me to a web 
page with appropriate instructions?)

Dave W.
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