[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#817978: xfce4-panel: Clock turns blank after changing format settings

Ben Caradoc-Davies ben at transient.nz
Sat Mar 26 04:45:44 UTC 2016

I see a similar defect with xfce4-panel 4.12.0-4 amd64 and a custom 
format: the clock turns blank after closing the Properties dialog unchanged.

Set a custom format (e.g "%R - %-d %B %Y") and close the Properties 
dialog. Note that the clock works fine. Now the Steps To Reproduce:

(1) Open the Properties dialog.

(2) Close the Properties dialog unchanged. Either the Close Button or 
the window frame close icon will do.

The Custom Format is cleared, causing the clock to be blank. The empty 
applet can still be discovered with mouse hovering and modified with the 
right-click menu.

Workaround: Don't Do That Then

Using: xfce4-panel 4.12.0-4 amd64

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben at transient.nz>
Transient Software Limited <http://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

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