[Pkg-zenoss-team] Zenoss package: roadmap for unstable

Bernd Zeimetz bernd at bzed.de
Sun Jul 1 00:09:06 UTC 2007

> All the above three issues need to be solved before the package can be
> uploaded to unstable. Anything else?

- after purging zenoss (I think the database was still existing after
that, not sure though) and installing it again it was not able to acces
the database. Could you look into that please, Stefano?

- attached is a hackish replacement for /var/lib/zenoss/bin/zenoss -
using it you should be able to start/stop all other daemons. I need to
put this stuff into a proper init script, at the meantime just replace
the file from the package with it after installing and run
/var/lib/zenoss/bin/zenoss start

- scanning HUGE networks is definitely an issue as we know since my
tests on debconf ;) http://dev.zenoss.com/trac/ticket/1732

Too keep other interested parties uptodate:

- the missing perf directory was added, together with the running
daemons you should get rrd graphs.
- we're still waiting for the Zenoss guys to resolve the non-free EULA issue
- dpkg -r zenoss and installing it again still does not work as Fabio
and me still didn't have an idea on how to handle it properly. This
issue does affect all Packages which bring a Zope instance and needs to
be fixed in zope-copmmon/zope-debhelper.

Hope I didn't miss anything!



Bernd Zeimetz
<bernd at bzed.de>                         <http://bzed.de/>

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