[Pkg-zope-developers] what's happening?

Fabio Tranchitella kobold at debian.org
Mon Aug 8 13:28:42 UTC 2005

Il giorno ven, 05/08/2005 alle 20.21 +0200, martin f krafft ha scritto:
> Yes, I am currently refining it all with pkg-mdadm, which is
> undoubtedly less complicated. Other than that, maybe Fabio can give
> us an update in the meantime how he's spending the Google Summer of
> Code?

Yes, for those who didn't know this already, I'm working on ubuntu zope
packages within the Google Summer of Code project. Some things have been
already done, but a lot of stuff is in my TODO list, too.

I'm leaving this afternoon (I'll spend my holidays in Hungary), so I'm
going to start working harder on this since I'll have a lot of free

I'll send more info on this list during the following days, too.

Fabio Tranchitella <kobold at debian.org>                        .''`.
Proud Debian GNU/Linux developer, admin and user.            : :'  :
                                                             `. `'`
   http://people.debian.org/~kobold/                           `-
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