Setting environment variables for PostgreSQL

Fabio Tranchitella kobold at
Tue Feb 20 15:35:22 CET 2007

* 2007-02-20 15:18, Andreas Tille wrote:
> [To Federico: For the beginning of this thread please see:
> ]
> Any other ideas?  I'm a little bit under presure because I have
> to replace a server and do not want to keep the old 7.4 PostgreSQL
> server just for some stupid German Umlauts that scramble the resulting
> web pages.

Even if I can't configure the encoding psycopg2 or ZPsycopgDA:2 use, I'm
able to insert and read data in the same encoding of the database.

Indeed, if I run:

$ psql -U postgres

postgres=# \l
         List of databases
    Name     |  Owner   | Encoding 
 postgres    | postgres | UTF8
 template0   | postgres | UTF8
 template1   | postgres | UTF8
 test        | postgres | LATIN9

The test database is in the requested encoding. I created it using:

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE test WITH ENCODING latin9;

Are you sure your database is in the right (the same as the data) encoding?


Fabio Tranchitella               
Free Software Developer and Consultant
1024D/7F961564, fpr 5465 6E69 E559 6466 BF3D 9F01 2BF8 EE2B 7F96 1564
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