Setting environment variables for PostgreSQL

Federico Di Gregorio fog at
Tue Feb 20 15:38:12 CET 2007

Il giorno mar, 20/02/2007 alle 15.35 +0100, Fabio Tranchitella ha
> Even if I can't configure the encoding psycopg2 or ZPsycopgDA:2 use,
> I'm
> able to insert and read data in the same encoding of the database.
> Indeed, if I run:
> $ psql -U postgres
> postgres=# \l
>          List of databases
>     Name     |  Owner   | Encoding 
> -------------+----------+----------
>  postgres    | postgres | UTF8
>  template0   | postgres | UTF8
>  template1   | postgres | UTF8
>  test        | postgres | LATIN9
> The test database is in the requested encoding. I created it using:
> postgres=# CREATE DATABASE test WITH ENCODING latin9;
> Are you sure your database is in the right (the same as the data)
> encoding? 

And the pages have the same encoding?

Anyway.. if you can wait about a week, I am working at 2.0.6 that will
have encoding and unicode support in ZPsycopgDA.


Federico Di Gregorio               
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog at
INIT.D Developer                                           fog at
  Qu'est ce que la folie? Juste un sentiment de liberté si
   fort qu'on en oublie ce qui nous rattache au monde... -- J. de Loctra
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