[Po4a-commits] po4a/debian changelog,1.149,1.150

Nicolas FRAN??OIS po4a-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Sat, 26 Feb 2005 15:13:57 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/debian
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv25146/debian

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Update the TeX & PythonDoc modules status.

Index: changelog
RCS file: /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/debian/changelog,v
retrieving revision 1.149
retrieving revision 1.150
diff -u -d -r1.149 -r1.150
--- changelog	26 Feb 2005 12:18:22 -0000	1.149
+++ changelog	26 Feb 2005 15:13:55 -0000	1.150
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
   * Handling of input line continuation (\<RET>) should not be reserved for
   (TeX module)
-  * Add a generic TeX module (still beta):
-    - it tries to separate entities that can betranslated on their own (i.e.
+  * Add a generic TeX module:
+    - it tries to separate entities that can be translated on their own (i.e.
       paragraphs, but also some commands when they are located at the
       beginning or end of these entities);
     - permits to build derivated parsers (e.g. for LaTeX, but texinfo is also
@@ -34,11 +34,15 @@
     - handles file inclusion.
     - customization by categories of commands
       (translated/untranslated and/or separated).
-    - break paragraphs at the beginning of environments blocks.
-    - add support for more "% po4a:" commands
+    - break paragraphs at the beginning and end of environments blocks.
+    - it was tested with a book and the Python documentation
   * Add a PythonDoc and a LaTex module devirated from TeX.
+    - NOTE: this module will probably be removed. Use the LaTeX module
+      instead.
   * \n or \t can be preceded by an even number of backslash.
+  (translations)
+  * Update French program translation
   [Martin Quinson]
   (sgml module)