[Po4a-devel]DocBook XML: revremark

Jordi Vilalta jvprat@wanadoo.es
Sat, 26 Jun 2004 19:57:44 +0200 (CEST)


On Sat, 26 Jun 2004, Michael Wiedmann wrote:

> Finally I decided to give po4a a try to see whether it is usable for my
> DocBook XML documents to manage translations.

Nice choice ;)

> I fetched a copy of the current CVS tree and tried it on one of my
> documents:
> $ po4a-gettextize -v -f sgml -m ../tex-refs/tex-refs.xml
> gives me the following error:
> po4a::Sgml: ../tex-refs/tex-refs.xml:57: Unknown tag REVREMARK
> This should be easy to fix (if I understand the code): just include
> this tag to the "translate" section for the "docbook" prolog.

In order to fix your local copy, you can add this tag to your 
lib/Locale/Po4a/Sgml.pm, around line 357. I'm sure that Martin or Denis 
will commit a fix soon.

> Let me know how I can help to get a working solution for DocBook XML
> documents. I know quite a few of people waiting for a workflow to
> manage the translation of their documents.

Well, I'm also interested on get it working. Currently there are some 
issues around the docbook backend that prevent it from beeing fully 
functional. For example, it doesn't understand some kinds of file 
inclusion entities. It would be nice if you could send bug reports at the 
alioth page about the bugs you find.

By my side I've begun working in a xml specific backend (almost anything 
done) so that it makes the common work for the xml based documents (as 
docbook xml, or dia). Then, the specific format modules would only define 
what tags' or atributes' contents, and treat the extracted strings. I 
expect having something working in a few weeks.


Jordi Vilalta