[Po4a-devel]Encoding issue
Nicolas François
Sat, 26 Feb 2005 17:55:50 +0100
I'm experiencing some encoding issues with po4a:
I'm using a latin1 man page (this is just in order to reproduce the issue,
in fact the issue was encountered with LaTeX).
I need to specify the encoding of the master document (-M ISO-8859-1).
The generated PO file (with po4a-normalize, or po4a-gettextize) indicate
an utf-8 charset.
File indicates that the po file is an UTF-8 Unicode PO
But the encoding of strings is not good:
instead of the Unicode 00E9 (é, encoded as C3A9 in UTF-8),
I've got an Unicode 00C3 followed by and Unicode 00A9 (respectively
encoded as C383 and C2A9)
Do you have an idea where it could come from?