[Po4a-devel]New website?

Jordi Vilalta jvprat@wanadoo.es
Mon, 7 Mar 2005 00:05:57 +0100 (CET)


On Sun, 6 Mar 2005, Yves Rutschle wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 06, 2005 at 09:52:30PM +0000, Yves Rutschle wrote:
>> That's true; I suppose what is done on www.debian.org or
>> www.gnu.org is the simplest way.
> Actually, does anyone know how the translations of these Web
> sites are maintained and generated?

It seems that the gnu.org people use the classic method:

Debian seems to use another method (wml?):

I've seen a "Martin Quinson" there, so I guess he will be able to explain 
it better ;)


Jordi Vilalta