[Popcon-commits] cvs commit to popularity-contest by ballombe

ballombe at cvs.alioth.debian.org ballombe at cvs.alioth.debian.org
Thu Sep 18 21:08:48 UTC 2008

Update of /cvsroot/popcon/popularity-contest
In directory alioth:/tmp/cvs-serv7400

Modified Files:
Log Message:
popcon-stat.pl: sync with popcon.debian.org version: add graphs
restricted to last 3 month.

Index: popcon-stat.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/popcon/popularity-contest/popcon-stat.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -d -r1.10 -r1.11
--- popcon-stat.pl	19 Nov 2005 09:44:32 -0000	1.10
+++ popcon-stat.pl	18 Sep 2008 21:08:46 -0000	1.11
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
 # Require the debian package libchart-perl.
- at INC=("./usr/share/perl5/", @INC);
+#@INC=("./usr/share/perl5/", @INC);
+$oneyearago = `date +"%Y-%m-%d" -d "1 year ago"`;
 while (<>)
    my ($file);
@@ -30,8 +32,14 @@
      elsif ($line[0] eq "Release:")
-       if (defined($line[2])) {
-         $rel{$f}->{$line[1]}=$line[2];
+       if (defined($line[2]))
+       {
+         if ($line[1] =~ m/^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*)/)
+         {
+           $rel{$f}->{"$1"}+=$line[2];
+         } else {
+           $rel{$f}->{"unknown"}+=$line[2];
+         }
        } else {
@@ -44,23 +52,6 @@
    close FILE;
- at days = sort grep { defined($sub{$_}->{'i386'}) } @date;
- at data = (\@days);
- at arch = sort keys %arch;
-$maxv = -10;
-for $arch (@arch)
-  my @res=();
-  for (@days)
-  {
-    my $data=defined($sub{$_}->{$arch})?log($sub{$_}->{$arch})/log(2)+1:0;
-    push @res,$data;
-    $maxv=$data if ($data > $maxv);
-  }
-  push @data,\@res;
- at labels=(@arch);
 sub ytick
   my ($x)=$_[0]-.5;
@@ -70,19 +61,53 @@
 use Chart::LinesPoints;
-$obj=Chart::LinesPoints->new (600,400);
-$obj->set ('title' => 'Number of submissions per architectures');
-$obj->set ('legend_labels' => [@arch]);
-$obj->set ('f_y_tick' => \&ytick);
-$obj->set ('brush_size' => 3);
-$obj->set ('pt_size' => 7);
-$obj->set ('max_val' => $maxv+1);
-$obj->set ('y_ticks' => int $maxv +1);
-$obj->set ('x_ticks' => 'vertical');
-$obj->set ('skip_x_ticks' => 28);
-$obj->png ("$dirpng/submission.png", \@data);
+sub getsub
+  my ($day,$r)=@_;
+  return defined($sub{$day}->{$r})?$sub{$day}->{$r}:0;
+sub submission_chart
+  my ($pngname,$startdate,$ticks,$title)=@_;
+  my (@days) = sort grep { defined($sub{$_}->{'i386'}) } @date;
+  @days = sort grep { $_ ge $startdate } @days;
+  my (@data) = (\@days);
+  my ($today)=$days[-1];
+  my (@arch)= sort {getsub($today,$b) <=> getsub($today,$a)} (keys %arch);
+  $maxv = -10;
+  for $arch (@arch)
+  {
+	  my @res=();
+	  for (@days)
+	  {
+		  my $data=defined($sub{$_}->{$arch})?log($sub{$_}->{$arch})/log(2)+1:0;
+		  push @res,$data;
+		  $maxv=$data if ($data > $maxv);
+	  }
+	  push @data,\@res;
+  }
+  $obj=Chart::LinesPoints->new (600,400);
+  $obj->set ('title' => "Number of submissions per architectures $title");
+  $obj->set ('legend_labels' => [@arch]);
+  $obj->set ('f_y_tick' => \&ytick);
+  $obj->set ('brush_size' => 3);
+  $obj->set ('pt_size' => 7);
+  $obj->set ('max_val' => $maxv+1);
+  $obj->set ('max_y_ticks' => 30);
+  $obj->set ('y_ticks' => int $maxv +1);
+  $obj->set ('x_ticks' => 'vertical');
+  $obj->set ('skip_x_ticks' => $ticks);
+  $obj->png ("$dirpng/submission$pngname.png", \@data);
+submission_chart ("","0000-00-00",42,"");
+submission_chart ("-1year",$oneyearago,14,"(last 12 months)");
 use Chart::Composite;
+my (@days) = sort grep { defined($sub{$_}->{'i386'}) } @date;
+my (@arch)= sort (keys %arch);
 for $arch (@arch)
   my @data;
@@ -95,36 +120,49 @@
   @labels=($arch, 'all submissions');
-  $obj=Chart::Composite->new (600,400);
+  $obj=Chart::Composite->new (700,400);
   $obj->set ('title' => "Number of submissions for $arch");
   $obj->set ('legend_labels' => \@labels);
   $obj->set ('brush_size' => 3);
   $obj->set ('pt_size' => 7);
   $obj->set ('x_ticks' => 'vertical');
-  $obj->set ('skip_x_ticks' => 28);
+  $obj->set ('skip_x_ticks' => 42);
   $obj->set ('composite_info' => [ ['LinesPoints', [1]], ['LinesPoints', [2] ] ]); 
   $obj->png ("$dirpng/sub-$arch.png", \@data);
- at days = sort grep { $_ ge "2004-05-14" } @date;
-%release= map { map { $_ => 1 } keys %{$rel{$_}}  } @days;
- at data = (\@days);
- at release= sort keys %release;
-for $release (@release)
+sub getrel
-  my @res=();
-  for (@days)
+  my ($day,$r)=@_;
+  return defined($rel{$day}->{$r})?$rel{$day}->{$r}:0;
+sub release_chart
+  my ($pngname,$startdate,$ticks,$title)=@_;
+  my (@days) = sort grep { $_ ge $startdate } @date;
+  my (%release) = map { map { $_ => 1 } keys %{$rel{$_}}  } @days;
+  my (@data) = (\@days);
+  my ($today)=$days[-1];
+  my (@release)= sort {getrel($today,$b) <=> getrel($today,$a)} (keys %release);
+  for $release (@release)
-    my $data=defined($rel{$_}->{$release})?$rel{$_}->{$release}:0;
-    push @res,$data;
+    my @res=();
+    for (@days)
+    {
+      my $data=getrel($_,$release);
+      push @res,$data;
+    }
+    push @data,\@res;
-  push @data,\@res;
+  $obj=Chart::LinesPoints->new (600,400);
+  $obj->set ('title' => "popularity-contest versions in use $title");
+  $obj->set ('legend_labels' => [@release]);
+  $obj->set ('brush_size' => 3);
+  $obj->set ('pt_size' => 7);
+  $obj->set ('x_ticks' => 'vertical');
+  $obj->set ('skip_x_ticks' => $ticks);
+  $obj->png ("$dirpng/release$pngname.png", \@data);
-$obj=Chart::LinesPoints->new (600,400);
-$obj->set ('title' => 'popularity-contest versions in use');
-$obj->set ('legend_labels' => [@release]);
-$obj->set ('brush_size' => 3);
-$obj->set ('pt_size' => 7);
-$obj->set ('x_ticks' => 'vertical');
-$obj->set ('skip_x_ticks' => 28);
-$obj->png ("$dirpng/release.png", \@data);
+release_chart ("","2004-05-14",42,"");
+release_chart ("-1year",$oneyearago,14,"(last 12 months)");

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