[py3porters-devel] [needs-port] dput

Ben Finney ben+debian at benfinney.id.au
Wed Aug 12 01:41:38 UTC 2015

Paul Tagliamonte <paultag at debian.org>

> On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 8:19 PM, Ben Finney <ben+debian at benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> > I now have a unit test suite for ‘dput’ with near-total code
> > coverage.
> Nice! :D
> Could we use any of that in dput-ng as well?

You'll be welcome to do so, I'm releasing it all under GPLv3-or-later.

However, I think you'll find its use is limited to the ‘dput’ code base.
Unit tests, by definition, test isolated small units of code; so those
tests are going to be quite specific to the code base they're designed
to test.

What would be more useful to you is a suite of feature tests, or
integration tests, or something else that tests behaviour at a level
higher than code units.

That's not what I've written though. My immediate need was to have a
suite of low-level assertions covering as much of the existing code as I
can get, that can guard against breakage when I migrate this entire code
base to Python 3.

> > Paul, do any of those hosts require HTTP Authentication for upload?
> None that I know of! I'd say most things that need auth would use
> sftp/scp -- anyone who knows otherwise should correct me! :D

I will proceed with Python 3 migration of the whole ‘dput’ code base on
the assumption that the HTTP Authentication handling simply isn't used,
and AFAICT doesn't work at all. I have contacted the maintainer to
correct me if that's not the case.

 \     “You don't need a book of any description to help you have some |
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_o__)                                              scholar, 2011-05-08 |
Ben Finney

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