[Reportbug-maint] Bug#620225: Saw this before

Stefan Mayrhofer mayly at fet.at
Thu Jul 7 14:54:16 UTC 2011

I saw this bug five months ago but did not know where I should report it
against because of the package comment.
(see http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=60248 )

Quoting from there:
Actually I am not running testing, this is Debian 6.0. Can anyone
reproduce this?

In GNOME start Reportbug from GNOME-Panel's Applications menu (System
tools). In the package entry field start typing openoffice then select
openoffice.org-impress from the auto complete drop down. Click Continue
and see Reportbug disappear.

If I call reportbug from a terminal (still as user) it works, so for
some reason it seems to have to do with STDIO being not available if ran
from the menu. Interestingly this seems to happen only with a few
openoffice.org-* packages, others do not let reportbug crash.

This is what I found in .xsession-errors

PangoWarning: shaping failure, expect ugly output.
shape-engine='BasicEngineFc', font='DejaVu Sans 9.9990234375', text=''
      gtk.main ()

assertion failed: (end <= (layout->text + layout->length))
GtkWarning: gtk_widget_event: assertion `WIDGET_REALIZED_FOR_EVENT
(widget, event)' failed
      gtk.main ()
PangoWarning: pango_layout_get_line_count: assertion `layout != NULL' failed
      gtk.main ()

Do you think this is worth reporting a bug?<<

PS: this seems to be sporadically just now it did not crash"

Just now, five months later, I saw this happening again on another, new,
Debian Squeeze installation. This time it happened when filing a bug for
enigmail. Again, it worked after the second try to start reportbug.

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