[Shootout-list] Question regarding time measurement

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Tue, 17 Aug 2004 09:35:29 -0700 (PDT)

> Don't want to wake sleeping dogs [and maybe I'm taking it far too
> serious]
We can have fun and be serious :-) 

> How is time measured for the tests? Something like the linux command
> time?
Browse the minibench script in cvs, it's using the Perl function

> Would you agree (at least partially ;-) with those complaints? 
I would.

> Would it be viable to increase the running time for the test to
> something like > 15 secs? 
Wouldn't the slowest languages need ~4 hours to complete the same test?

There's a section on "Latency vs. Throughput Tests" 

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