[Shootout-list] Re: threading (was Many tests cheat)

Einar Karttunen ekarttun@cs.helsinki.fi
Wed, 3 Nov 2004 13:35:47 +0200

On 03.11 22:25, skaller wrote:
> On the other hand Felix provides fast scalable microthreading.
> (telco environment originally)

Sounds nice, are they pre-emptive? I think that was at least
implied as a requirement in some of the concurrency tests.
However as allways there are some exceptions to the rule.

> Is a microthreaded solution fair? It will cream the pthread
> implementations :) I think it probably isn't fair. 

Well pthread based implementations are doomed anyways
for anything really concurrent. Erlang and Haskell
which are leading most concurrency don't either use

> So perhaps, two tests -- both ring of messages,
> one requiring pthreads, and one without that
> restriction (language without microthreads can
> stick with posix threads .. or use callbacks,
> setjump based coroutines managers .. etc ..

Is there any reason to require pthreads? 

- Einar Karttunen