[Shootout-list] some perl test
William Douglas Neumann
Mon, 29 Nov 2004 08:01:27 -0700 (MST)
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On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, [iso-8859-1] Michal =A9pa=E8ek wrote:
> btw: Why do you use Double precision in java takfp?
Good question. Shouldn't you really be using ints? And shouldn't you=20
really be passing the function h(x,y,z) into the TAK function as well?
BTW: Here's the OCaml version of TAKesque:
let rec tak x y z =3D
if y >=3D x then z
else tak (tak (x -. 1.) y z) (tak (y -. 1.) z x) (tak (z -. 1.) x y);;
let _ =3D
let n =3D float_of_string Sys.argv.(1) in
print_float (tak (3. *. n) (2. *. n) n);
print_newline ();;
William D. Neumann
--- Dear Lord, please make me the kind of person=20
my dog thinks I am.