[Shootout-list] Two notes: Pascal and CMUCL

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 13:28:34 +0200

Isaac Gouy wrote:
>>now if only we could get some more information into the graphs...
> Is this just a sarcastic comment about only being able to see the
> graphs in MS Internet Explorer?

i have stopped trying to be funny and/or sarcastic on the shootout mail 
reason: i once wrote
''i belive <A>.
and <B>, too :-)''
this was later used as a strawman argument by someone saying:
''bengt belives <B>''
note the missing smiley.

the comment was a serious wish that we get more inforamtive graphs for 
each individual test. for instance, with a wider range of n we could get 
more information about the tested languages.
yes, this do require that the tests are can give such added information. 
i try to design such tests.
