[Shootout-list] Two notes: Pascal and CMUCL
Isaac Gouy
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 07:15:32 -0700 (PDT)
> i have stopped trying to be funny and/or sarcastic on the shootout
> mail list.
Probably a good idea if you wish to avoid misunderstandings.
> for instance, with a wider range of n we could get
> more information about the tested languages.
> yes, this do require that the tests are can give such added
> information. i try to design such tests.
This has something to do with the design of tests but not much.
It has a lot to do with the very practical matter of how long it takes
to run the tests.
Apparently the charts on http://www.lissett.com/ben/ are based on 30
values of N (20 in the first fifth of the chart).
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