[Shootout-list] Timing issues

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Sun, 5 Sep 2004 08:54:08 -0700 (PDT)

Comparison timings made with Time::HiRes and BSD::Resource for the same
program run of Sieve n=100 n=1000. 
(usr+sys should always be greater than wallclock)

         wallclock   usr+sys
GCC  100  0.059462   0.0500000000000003
GCC  100  0.057778   0.0499999999999998
GCC  100  0.057762   0.0600000000000003
GCC  100  0.057752   0.0600000000000001
GCC  100  0.057588   0.0599999999999998

GCC  1000 0.510601   0.51
GCC  1000 0.51086    0.51
GCC  1000 0.510873   0.51
GCC  1000 0.51069    0.51
GCC  1000 0.510719   0.51

OO2C 100  0.03297    0.04
OO2C 100  0.033204   0.0300000000000002
OO2C 100  0.03313    0.0299999999999996
OO2C 100  0.033074   0.04
OO2C 100  0.033288   0.0300000000000002

OO2C 1000 0.222999   0.22
OO2C 1000 0.223304   0.23
OO2C 1000 0.223128   0.220000000000001
OO2C 1000 0.225433   0.23
OO2C 1000 0.223023   0.22

Mono 100  0.271137   0.05
Mono 100  0.241688   0.05
Mono 100  0.245944   0.23
Mono 100  0.272433   0.24
Mono 100  0.269268   0.25

Mono 1000 0.981131   0.0599999999999999
Mono 1000 0.980149   0.04
Mono 1000 0.979636   0.04
Mono 1000 0.987423   0.95
Mono 1000 0.987873   0.95

Perl 100  2.103866   2.1
Perl 100  2.112628   2.12
Perl 100  2.116768   2.11
Perl 100  2.104801   2.11
Perl 100  2.126303   2.12

Perl 1000 20.892511  20.89
Perl 1000 20.895478  20.89
Perl 1000 20.939512  20.94
Perl 1000 20.950427  20.95
Perl 1000 20.865542  20.86

   print "         wallclock   usr+sys\n";
   $t0 = [gettimeofday];
   my($cu0, $cs0) = (BSD::Resource::times)[2,3];
   unless (defined ($pid = fork)) {die "cannot fork: $!"; }
   unless ($pid) { exec 'perl sieve.perl 100 > null'; exit; } 
   $t1 = [gettimeofday];
   my($cu1, $cs1) = (BSD::Resource::times)[2,3];

   $cu1 -= $cu0;
   $cs1 -= $cs0;
   $c = $cu1 + $cs1;
   $t = tv_interval $t0, $t1;
   print "Perl 100 $t   $c \n";

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