2004-September Archives by Date
Starting: Wed Sep 1 15:59:45 2004
Ending: Thu Sep 30 22:59:56 2004
Messages: 382
- [Shootout-list] flawed comparisons - internationalization
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Timing issues
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: Timing issues
Alan Post
- [Shootout-list] Re: Timing issues
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] Re: Timing issues
Alan Post
- [Shootout-list] Re: Timing issues
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: Timing issues
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] removing meaningless tests?
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] moments - improved bigloo version
- [Shootout-list] (no subject)
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] ackerman, stalin
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] csharp timings
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] suspicious page content?
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] A different way of measuring
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] A different way of measuring
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] A different way of measuring
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Revised Shootout -- N Increased!
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Revised Shootout -- N Increased!
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Revised Shootout -- N Increased!
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Revised Shootout -- N Increased!
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] benchmarks for Chicken
- [Shootout-list] dead links
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] regarding python
- [Shootout-list] Broken windows
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Broken windows
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] dead links
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Broken windows
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] regarding python
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Broken windows
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] regarding python
- [Shootout-list] dead links
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong :-)
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong :-)
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong :-)
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong :-)
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong :-)
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong :-)
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] Mono C# some progress
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Acceptable implementations?
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] Acceptable implementations?
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong :-)
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] fun vs. serious
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] fun vs. serious
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Acceptable implementations?
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] when benchmarks are advocacy
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Acceptable implementations?
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Integer overflow
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Integer overflow
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] fun vs. serious
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] Haskell ring of messages - fair?
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] moments - improved bigloo version and nontrivial Input file
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] when benchmarks are advocacy
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Haskell ring of messages - fair?
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] fun vs. serious
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] fun vs. serious
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Haskell ring of messages - fair?
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] Haskell ring of messages - fair?
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] fun vs. serious
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Windows
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Windows
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Windows
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Windows
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Windows
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Peter Hinely
- [Shootout-list] when benchmarks are advocacy
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: sumcol - when the correct answer is wrong
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] fun vs. serious
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Windows
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] MLton - Sum of a Column of Numbers
Raymond Racine
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] Windows
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Windows
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] hackers vs. PHBs
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] hackers vs. PHBs
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
David Pyke
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] Programming language features
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] major comparison categories
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Programming language features
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] major comparison categories
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] cannot grab tarball
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] A few unrelated points
Stephen Weeks
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] hackers vs. PHBs
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] haskell lists
Aaron Denney
- [Shootout-list] A few unrelated points
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] commercial benchmarks
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] commercial benchmarks
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] commercial benchmarks
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] A few unrelated points
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] hackers vs. PHBs
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Programming language features
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] what do we test?
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] commercial benchmarks
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] A few unrelated points
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] A few unrelated points
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: commercial benchmarks
Alan Post
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Bengt Kleberg
- Fwd: Re: [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: Weekly Update
Alan Post
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Two notes: Pascal and CMUCL
Yvoe Ywon
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: commercial benchmarks
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Brandon J. Van Every
- Fwd: RE: [Shootout-list] commercial benchmarks
Brent Fulgham
- Fwd: RE: [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] main benchmark
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] commercial benchmarks
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] silly licenses
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] advocacy or curiousity?
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] advocacy or curiousity?
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] advocacy or curiousity?
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] advocacy or curiousity?
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] include all languages in the LCD benchmark
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] obtaining software licenses and hardware
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] advocacy or curiousity?
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] advocacy or curiousity?
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Haskell ring of messages - fair?
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] This Week's Updates
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] A few unrelated points
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] cannot grab tarball
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] obtaining software licenses and hardware
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] A few unrelated points
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] demoting marginal languages
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] I'm not your designated OCaml guy
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Least Common Denominator benchmark
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] A few unrelated points, remove hash test
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update, oo tests
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, call me brent
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, process creation
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Least Common Denominator benchmark
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] demoting marginal languages
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Least Common Denominator benchmark
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] demoting marginal languages
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] demoting marginal languages
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Least Common Denominator benchmark
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] bench mark test run time, max bad score
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] include all languages in the LCD benchmark
Brian Hurt
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] website sketch
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Least Common Denominator benchmark
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] License
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] demoting marginal languages
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Least Common Denominator benchmark
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] License
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] bench mark test run time, max bad score
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] testbed normalization
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] testbed normalization
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] testbed normalization
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] License
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Better sumcol for Haskell
John Goerzen
- [Shootout-list] testbed normalization
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] HW + OS database
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] License
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] bench mark test run time, max bad score
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] logarithmic scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] moments - improved bigloo version and
nontrivial Input file
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] logarithmic scoring system
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] demoting marginal languages
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update, message passing
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] moments - improved bigloo version and
nontrivial Input file
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update, message passing
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] logarithmic scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] bench mark test run time, max bad score
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] License
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] testbed normalization
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] bench mark test run time, max bad score
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] logarithmic scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] logarithmic scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] please put 'logarithmic' at top of page
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] logarithmic scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] bench mark test run time, max bad score
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] bench mark test run time, max bad score
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] preserving historical data
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] preserving historical data
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Faster ghc implementation for wc benchmark
Tomasz Zielonka
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] Least Common Denominator benchmark
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] haskell lists
Aaron Denney
- [Shootout-list] Faster nestedloop for ghc
Tomasz Zielonka
- [Shootout-list] preserving historical data
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Faster nestedloop for ghc
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
John Goerzen
- [Shootout-list] Faster nestedloop for ghc
Tomasz Zielonka
- [Shootout-list] Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
William Douglas Neumann
- [Shootout-list] Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
John Goerzen
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Weekly Update, message passing
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Faster nestedloop for ghc
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Faster nestedloop for ghc
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] haskell lists
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] Faster ghc implementation for wc benchmark
Brent Fulgham
- [Shootout-list] timer problems
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] preserving historical data
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Faster wordfreq for ghc
Tomasz Zielonka
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] preserving historical data
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] preserving historical data
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] preserving historical data
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] preserving historical data
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] timer problems
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] preserving historical data
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] timer problems
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
John Goerzen
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty, php
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] Re: Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Bengt Kleberg
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] IRC - better place for rapid discussion
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] haskell lists
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] Re: haskell lists
Aaron Denney
- [Shootout-list] Two notes: Pascal and CMUCL
kerochan ii
- [Shootout-list] Two notes: Pascal and CMUCL
Isaac Gouy
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] measurement vs. ratings
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] IRC - better place for rapid discussion
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Einar Karttunen
- [Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Brandon J. Van Every
Last message date:
Thu Sep 30 22:59:56 2004
Archived on: Wed Oct 13 00:00:25 2004
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