[Shootout-list] (no subject)

Peter Hinely phinely@hawaii.edu
Fri, 10 Sep 2004 00:31:06 -1000 (HST)

Hi Brent,

Someone has probably pointed this out already, but...
It looks like nearly all of the csharp mono timings are bogus.

On the "detailed data and graphs" pages, if one plots time vs. N for
Csharp and gcc or another fast language/compiler, the timings for gcc, etc
increase as N increases, but the timings for csharp remain constant as n
increases. So clearly something funny is going on with the csharp timings
if execution time does not increase with increasing N.

I examined the "detailed data and graphs" for a number of tests.  The
csharp entry had the same problem on each one.
