[Shootout-list] regarding python

Brent Fulgham bfulg@pacbell.net
Sun, 19 Sep 2004 15:25:40 -0700

On 2004-09-17 04:39:27 -0700 =C5smund =D8deg=E5rd <aasmund@simula.no> wr=

> I'm new to this list, so please forgive if you have already discussed =
this! I
> have scanned the archive mbox, though.

Actually, someone asked if they could use NumPy previously, and I said "=
Unfortunately, no one ever supplied the code -- I'm so glad you took the=
 time to
attach the revision.
> I checked the python matrix-multiply example, and found that it is not=
> the NumPy extension to Python. I think this is not very fair, as all o=
f us who
> want to do some number crunching with Python will use NumPy, it is alm=
ost an
> integrated part of the language.

Yes -- I think it is entirely appropriate to use extensions such as this=
, that are in
normal use by real programmers.

> If you like to include/change the python code on the web on this, I in=
clude a
> script - it should be fast than the original version!

Yes -- based on a run I just did, it's like 20 to 50x faster.  The delta=
 increases as
the size of the matrices increase!
