[Shootout-list] Windows

Brandon J. Van Every vanevery@indiegamedesign.com
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 09:56:55 -0700

Isaac Gouy wrote:
> Brandon Van Every wrote:
> > >
> > > What are you offering to work on?
> >
> > Good question... and I don't do Linux.
> Then you really do have something to offer!
> The Win32 Shootout hasn't been updated for years - it would
> be great to have the Shootout hosted on Win32 again.

It seems I've been caught at how much attention I actually pay to
things.  I didn't realize the revived Shootout doesn't support Windows.
I see this as a problem.  Is there any particularly good reason why UNIX
and Windows testbeds should be kept separate from each other?  I myself
am not thinking of one.  What about Mac OS X nowadays, for that matter?

I'm willing to work on unifying the codebases to be cross-platform.  Has
anyone taken any stabs at it yet already, or have knowledge of what
would be required?

Cheers,                     www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every           Seattle, WA

"The pioneer is the one with the arrows in his back."
                          - anonymous entrepreneur