[Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow

Peter Hinely phinely@hawaii.edu
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 17:06:51 -1000 (HST)


> - primary paradigm: procedural(C, Perl)/OO (C++, Java)/functional (Lisp,
> ML)
> - Garbage collectiong type: non-gc (C/C++), reference counting,
> [generational-]marking&sweep, [generational-]copying
> - Execution style: native (C/ocaml), virtual machine (Java/ocamlb),
> interpreted (perl)

I think that's a great idea.

As I mentioned before, I also think it would be cool to see multiple
entries in a particular language allowed.

Some languages are multi-paradigm, so one can program in a functional,
imperative, or object-oriented styles. It would be informative to see
entries from the same language in different styles, and see the impact of
that on execution speed.  Same thing for languages that can disable
various safety checks at will. It would be interesting to see the impact
on execution speed.

Unfortunately I think classifying the primary paradigm of language may be
more difficult than classifying the basic safety aspects that I mentioned.
Lisp may be functional compared to C, but imperative compared to a pure
functional langage.
