[Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 18:02:21 +0200

Isaac Gouy wrote:
> It's a fine composite (create&switch) test for *massively* parallel
> programming, and not such a fine create test for parallel programming.

where does the switch bit enter into the test if we create lots of 
threads (in a way that is different from how only creating 1000 threads 
is tested)?

if you read the paper Concurrency Oriented programming in Erlang 
(http://www.sics.se/~joe/talks/ll2_2002.pdf) you will find why i want 
the massive bit present. basically it boils down to not putting 
restrictions on the language user in a key concept. if we want to test 
lots of threads we should not restrict our selfs in this area.
what if we did a object instantiation test and set an upper limit at 
1000 objects?
