[Shootout-list] bench mark test run time, max bad score
Bengt Kleberg
Wed, 29 Sep 2004 09:56:49 +0200
Brent Fulgham wrote:
> I'm not really interested in changing the current logarithmic scoring
> system.
if we can get a (much) better system it would be worth switching. but
the burden is on the new system to prove that it is better. imho.
> The advantage of this approach (conceived by Stephen Weeks) is that
> high-performing tests get
> spread out a bit (amplifying the relative advantages) to help determine
> "best".
any alternative would have to do this in a better way to be acceptable.
> If this approach is used on all machines running the shootout, the
> scoring should be very consistent
> because the scores are based on relative ranking, which is somewhat less
> likely to change based on
> hardware than the particular value of a given run.
note that on my machine (sparcstation running solaris) i consistenly get
erlang scores that are higher than mzschemes scores. this is not true
for the computer used in the shootout. :-(