[Shootout-list] timer problems

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:20:48 +0200

Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Or maybe Knuth wasn't so dumb putting timers outside the process as I
> thought.  Maybe 'guess N' calibration is inevitable, and you just end up
> doing it at either a macro or a micro level.

i think it is a better solution, give the amount of available code in 
the shootout that lacks internal timers.

>>soething similar could be argued for a language with really inexact
>>timers that will let the test run for a longer time.
> Well, each language could have one required test: 'Timer'.  It would
> have to be measurably as accurate as some Shootout reference timer.  Are
> there any languages which can neither provide an accurate timer, nor
> call a C function?

intercal. or do you mean ''any mainstream languge''?

provided we define mainstream lanaguages as ''all languages that either 
provide a sufficiently accurate timer, or can call a c function'', then 
the answer is no.
