[Shootout-list] Ruby, Python, Gforth heapsort benchmarks

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Sun, 17 Apr 2005 14:28:16 -0700 (PDT)

--- Jabari Zakiya <jzakiya@mail.com> wrote:
> I just uploaded new heapsort benchmarks for
> Ruby, Python, and Gforth.

Someone will take care of them when they browse contribute programs -
we don't need an announcement email.

> These benchmarks use native zero-indexing
> for the arrays, and also displays the first
> and last sorted array elements (which works
> as a quick sanity/accuracy check).

The "correct" output is shown here

Obviously none of these 3 programs produce the correct output - please
don't waste our time sending programs that don't meet the requirements.

And please add each program as a separate item in Contribute Programs,
and follow the steps for contributing a program listed in the FAQ.

best wishes, Isaac

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