[Shootout-list] Stuff

Brian Hurt bhurt@spnz.org
Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:58:56 -0500 (CDT)

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, Jon Harrop wrote:

> Regarding some other discussions I've read about in the archives. I think it 
> is vitally important to allow people to use common libraries (and to not 
> count the library as submitted code). For example, lots of scientific 
> programs are based upon Fourier series, computed with the FFT. It simply 
> isn't feasible to write a decent FFT yourself (O(n log n) for any n), you 
> just use FFTW. Similarly for LAPACK. Practically, it would be very useful to 
> see how easily languages can exploit FFTW and LAPACK. Just as importantly for 
> OCaml, the vast majority of my programs lex and parse their input properly 
> using ocamllex and ocamlyacc. IMHO, these should be allowed in the shootout.

I know C/C++ has lex/yacc- but do all languages have the equivelent?  
Bash?  TCL/TK?  Awk?  Perl?  Is this a problem?

> 4. OpenGL: Everyone loves graphics, why not have a section for code which 
> shows off OpenGL?

Because most OpenGL rendering is done in hardware these days.  Other than 
maybe LOC, there won't be that much performance variation (I'd think- I 
might be surprised).  And even the LOC wouldn't vary that much, I'd think- 
the fundamental structure of the library would kind of force it.

I like the idea of graph theory algorithms, as they tend to really 
exercise certain basic data strutures in non-trivial ways.  I'd like to 
propose two I may whip out code for:

1) Dinic's algorithm for maximal flow

2) Strongly connected nodes detection
