[Shootout-list] CVS Updates *are* happening
Isaac Gouy
Thu, 10 Feb 2005 16:56:18 -0800 (PST)
Here's what I don't understand: bench/report.txt
DONE(9): clean erlang gst java lua ocaml psyco py python
Which gives the impression those 9 programs have been measured, but the
data files don't contain any data for the pidigits benchmark?
--- Brent Fulgham <bfulg@pacbell.net> wrote:
> I just did verify that the website contents are
> updating via cron as expected. So, any 'website' (or
> subdirectory) changes to CVS will appear on the
> website within an hour or so.
> Now, unfortunately the source code only changes on the
> site if you generate the HTML-ized version and check
> it in, and the stat's only update when the data files
> are checked in. So, things are still stuck with me
> firing up the build machine.
> -Brent
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