[Shootout-list] CVS problem

Christoph Bauer ich at christoph-bauer.net
Sun Jul 24 10:26:17 UTC 2005


cvs doesn't work anymore:

shootout% cvs login                         
Logging in to :pserver:anonymous at cvs.alioth.debian.org:2401/cvsroot/shootout
CVS password: 
cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from cvs.alioth.debian.org: cvs: WARNING: Read-only repository access mode selected via `cvs -R'.

Best regards,
Christoph Bauer

let () = let rec f a w i j = Printf.printf "%.20f\r" a; let a1 = a *. i /. j in
if w then f a1 false (i +. 2.0) j else f a1 true i (j +. 2.0) in f 2.0 false 2.0 1.0

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