[Shootout-list] Reboot

Isaac Gouy igouy2 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 30 15:35:25 UTC 2005

--- skaller <skaller at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> That is naive. It is likely the scripts won't work and I'll have
> to make changes, but won't be able to merge them back so they're
> not lost.

You could always contribute your changes back to the Shootout.
You don't need CVS access to do that.

Jon, your idea of open source seems to be that you personally have the
right to add any source to the project. 

It's the other way around - you personally have the right to take any
source from the project.

> Patching only works for a while .. often not long at all.
> Eventually my changes will not merge with yours, and there
> will be a CVS conflict.
> > I've said repeatedly that it would be great if you did publish your
> > idea of what a programming language shootout should be.
> So what is your point? I don't require your encouragement
> or permission to work on my own code. I just think it is sad
> to duplicate effort by forking projects.

You have a different idea of what a language shootout should be like.
Instead of trying to force that idea onto this language shootout, take
what we freely give and make your idea a reality.

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