[Shootout-list] Reboot

Isaac Gouy igouy2 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 30 19:02:58 UTC 2005

--- skaller <skaller at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> I suggest you stop wasting your breath telling
> me what I can or should do: I do not need your
> advise on this matter.
> I suggest instead you think more logically,
> and take people at their word. 

Apparently you think I need your advise on this matter.

1) You want CVS access, you haven't been given it - and nothing has
changed to effect that decision.

2) Felix is now shown on The Sandbox - and nothing has changed to
effect that decision.

3) The Shootout operates in various ways that you dislike - and nothing
has changed to effect those decisions.

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