[Shootout-list] Running tests with Mono

Piyush, Garyali (IE10) Piyush.Garyali@honeywell.com
Wed, 1 Jun 2005 01:17:05 -0700


I was trying to get the numbers (CPU and Memory) while running hello.csharp
alone (on Mono). So, I tweaked the makefile(s) to remove all the other

On running I get the following results:

Measurement of CPU as N varies
		1 	50	100	150	200
csharp	0.28	8.87	17.42	26.52	35.20

Printing to the mem.mtab:
printing csharp
Hello World
Measurement of Memory as N varies
		1 	50	100	150	200
csharp	0	0	0	0	0

Hello World
Summary [N= 1 (min)]
Program	CPU seconds	Memory KB
csharp		0.28		0

I am a little confused as to why the memory is being shown as 0. My aim is
to get the memory for mono running a simple helloworld application in the
percompile mode (mono -O=precomp <app>)

Is there anything I am missing here? Could someone help me understand what
to make out of the data above?

My /proc/version reads the following: 
Linux version 2.4.20-8 (bhcompile@porky.devel.redhat.com) (gcc version 3.2.2
200 30222) (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5)0) #1 Thu Mar 13 17:54:28 EST 2003

Thanks in advance, 