[Shootout-list] request to put MLton on "The Usual" page
Isaac Gouy
Wed, 8 Jun 2005 05:23:14 -0700 (PDT)
--- John Skaller <skaller@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Yes, but it is a single 'fixed' filtering and not done
> from a common homepage. If you Google for the shootout and
> end up in the 'Usual' website you will have a hard time
> even knowing that the 'Greater' web
> site also exists -- knowing it exists AND that the link
> was somewhere in the misnamed 'FAQ' it still took me a lot
> of time and effort to actually locate the link.
For the last couple of months, links to "The Usual" "The Great" "The
Doug Bagley" and "The Sandbox" have been shown at the top of each home
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