[Shootout-list] Ray tracer
Jon Harrop
Thu, 16 Jun 2005 22:32:58 +0100
On Thursday 16 June 2005 21:19, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> Someone seems to have added unattributed C++, OCaml, MLton, and Java
> ray-tracer programs to Alioth Shootout CVS.
> We have no right to publish those programs.
> Program authors should explicitly contribute programs they have
> written, for publication under the revised BSD license.
All of the code I submit (which probably includes those programs) is
completely free and people can do whatever they want with it, including
publishing it under whatever license they want. I'd appreciate an
attribution, of course.
Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
Objective CAML for Scientists